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November, 2025

In the vibrant tapestry of IIT Kanpur, unfurled as any other academic day for Ravindra, a dedicated student navigating the complexities of higher education. The sprawling campus, usually abuzz with the energetic hum of students, bore witness to the ebb and flow of scholarly pursuits. Yet, beneath the facade of routine, an undercurrent of excitement pulsed through Ravindra's veins, for this day promised an extraordinary encounter-one that transcended the boundaries of ordinary college life.

The significance of this particular day lay in the air, laden with the promise of a rendezvous with destiny. Ravindra, known for his diligence and academic pursuits, was about to embark on an adventure of a different kind-a celebration of the enduring bond he shared with Ananya, a friend who had been his confidante through the highs and lows of their college journey. As the clock ticked away, the anticipation grew, and the ordinary transformed into the extraordinary.

With the sun casting a warm glow over the campus, Ravindra and Ananya set foot into an amusement park, the backdrop for their commemoration of a remarkable four-year journey together. The air crackled with a sense of expectancy, mirroring the palpable chemistry between the two friends. The amusement park, usually a haven for carefree laughter and thrilling rides, now stood witness to a different kind of exhilaration-the celebration of a friendship that had weathered the tests of time and blossomed into something truly special.

Amid the kaleidoscopic lights of the amusement park, Ravindra and Ananya found themselves enveloped in a world of whimsical delight. The neon hues painted the surroundings in a vivid tapestry, casting an enchanting glow over the bustling stalls and pulsating arcade games that beckoned to them. Ananya's laughter, a melodic symphony, resonated through the air, infusing the atmosphere with a contagious joy that mirrored the effervescence of their friendship.

As they meandered through the lively stalls, Ananya's eyes sparkled with playful mischief as she issued a challenge to Ravindra.

"Come on, Ravindra! Let's see who can score higher in this shooting game," she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

The air was alive with the cheerful banter between the two friends, their laughter becoming a soundtrack to the whimsical backdrop of the amusement park. The arcade games, their lights flashing in rhythmic cadence, bore witness to the camaraderie that defined Ravindra and Ananya's enduring connection.

Ananya, sensing the weight of the moment, looked at Ravindra with a warm smile and said, "Four years. Who would've thought our friendship would bring us here?" Her words lingered in the air, a testament to the enduring bond that had shaped their lives.

As the clock approached 9:00 PM, the preordained hour when their friendship had first taken root, Ravindra seized the moment to express sentiments long kept at bay.

"Ananya, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time," Ravindra confessed, his voice a delicate melody laced with nervousness and anticipation. Ananya's eyes, filled with curiosity and affection, focused intently on him, awaiting the revelation. Before he could articulate his feelings, a soft, ethereal blue light descended upon their shared moment, casting a surreal glow over the scene.

Caught in the enchantment of the moment, Ravindra continued, "I've cherished our friendship for these years, and... I've come to realise that..." His words, vulnerable and heartfelt, hung in the air, suspended between them like the delicate notes of an unspoken melody. However, before Ananya could respond to this unexpected confession, a sudden seizure overcame Ravindra, and the enchanting celebration took an unforeseen turn.

Ananya, her concern overriding any sense of celebration, gently reached out to Ravindra. "Ravindra, are you okay? What just happened?" The magical ambiance that had surrounded them moments ago now gave way to an eerie stillness, leaving Ananya bewildered and worried about the well-being of her dear friend.

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