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Ravindra's eyes fluttered open, met by the sterile white walls that enclosed him. The starkness of the hospital room offered no comfort, only the persistent hum of medical equipment and the sharp scent of disinfectant. A wave of pain surged through his body, a reminder of the tumultuous events that had unfolded. The feverish haze enveloping his senses made the surroundings blur into an indistinct mosaic.

Taking a moment to gather himself, Ravindra's gaze drifted to the digital clock perched beside his bed. Its cold, blue numbers illuminated the passage of time with an impersonal precision. A day and a half had slipped away since the chaos of the council room, leaving him disoriented and grappling with the aftermath of a situation that still eluded clear understanding.

"Shit, only 28 days remain. What am I supposed to do?" He spoke to him, rubbing the sweat off his forehead trickling down.

The sudden realisation gripped him with a sense of urgency. His mind raced, and he called out for Sanjana, the name escaping his lips in a hoarse whisper. 

The room remained silent, devoid of her comforting presence. Instead, the door creaked open, revealing Harsh's concerned face. Ravindra's confusion mirrored in his eyes, "Harsh? Where's Sanjana? What about Nikhil? What happened?"

Harsh, his expression marked by a mix of worry and hesitation, stepped into the room. The weight of unspoken troubles lingered in the air as he looked at Ravindra. 

"Sanjana and Nikhil... they went to find Dr. Kimberley. Long story. It's been a while, and there's no news." 

The gravity of the situation hung in the silence that followed, leaving Ravindra's mind swirling with unanswered questions and growing apprehension.

Harsh, attempting to ease the confusion, continued, "You collapsed after the council meeting. The doctors had to take you in ICU. Just yesterday you were displaying convulsions and all sort of anomaly. It's difficult to explain. Sanjana and Nikhil found a lead and went to explore more. But, that was thirty-six hours ago." 

Ravindra's eyes eagerly searched Harsh's face for clues, the pieces of a puzzle eluding his understanding. The room, caught in the grip of uncertainty, held the weight of unspoken revelations as the friends grappled with the shadows that lurked within.

Ravindra's eyes, filled with both worry and confusion, fixated on Harsh as he asked, "Where are they? Where did they go?" 

Harsh's face tightened with a blank expression, his features frozen in an enigmatic mask. His stoic response only heightened Ravindra's growing sense of unease. The silence between them seemed to stretch endlessly, casting a foreboding atmosphere that hinted at the imminent revelation of unfolding mysteries. 

Sensing the urgency, Ravindra, against the protesting pull of needles and the aching in his body, pushed himself up from the hospital bed. 

The cold grip of medical instruments clung to his skin as he hastily dressed, the urgency overshadowing the discomfort. 

The room seemed to tighten around them, the air thick with unspoken concerns as Ravindra's actions spoke of a determination to unveil the truth, even if it meant confronting the shadows lurking within. 

The walls, once silent witnesses, now echoed with the weight of impending revelations, each passing second adding to the palpable tension. 

In the dim light, the uncharted path ahead cast an uncertain shadow over the once-familiar surroundings. Harsh, his eyes filled with concern, reached out to gently restrain Ravindra. 

"You shouldn't be forcing yourself right now," he cautioned. However, driven by desperation and fear for Sanjana and Nikhil, Ravindra brushed off his attempt.

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