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In the silenced corridors of the Shrey hospital, Ravindra lay motionless on the sterile bed, the rhythmic beeping of the monitoring machines creating a disconcerting soundtrack to the worried silence that enveloped the room.

A saline needle pierced his wrist, delivering a slow infusion of life into his fragility. Outside the room, Sanjana and Nikhil stood side by side, their faces marked by concern as they gazed through the transparent pane, observing the still Ravindra. The weight of worry hung in the air, thickening their mind with silhouettes with unspoken fears.

Sanjana, her eyes mirroring the grim situation, turned to Nikhil.

"What have we done to deserve this? Why is he caught in this nightmare?" Sanjana uttered with a voice strained by anxiety.

Nikhil, grappling with the same questions, placed a comforting hand on Sanjana's shoulder. "I don't know. It feels like we're caught in the crossroads of something much bigger and intricate than us. But don't worry, he isn't in this alone."

As they continued to peer into the room, Sanjana's thoughts echoed the depths of her concern.

"We've always tried to protect him. From childhood squabbles to the challenges of adulthood. Why is it that, despite our efforts, he's now hunted in this surreal web of abnormalities?"

Nikhil, searching for solace in a situation devoid of answers, responded, "Sometimes, things happen beyond our understanding. But we'll find a way to help him. This is just going to get worse from here on."

Their solemn vow hung in the air, a standing testament to their unwavering commitment to unravel the darkness luring in shadows surrounding Ravindra.

As they stood side by side, their clasped hands spoke volumes about the unspoken bond that united them in this trying moment.

Nikhil, a pillar of support, whispered words of reassurance, "We've faced challenges before, didn't we? We'll face this one too. Together." Their fingers intertwined, creating a small moment of comfort amidst the clinical sterility of the hospital surroundings.

The soft murmur of their conversation blended with the muted beeping of machines, as if the hospital walls themselves were holding their collective breath, waiting for Ravindra to wake up and break the silence surrounding him.

The soft murmur of their conversation blended with the muted beeping of machines, as if the hospital walls themselves were holding their collective breath, waiting for Ravindra to wake up and break the silence surrounding him

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Rakesh's trembling fingers fumbled with the phone as he called Sanjana's number, desperation building up through every ring. The moment she answered, his voice, usually firm and composed, trembled with concern.

"Sanjana, what the hell is happening? Why am I hearing about Ravindra from the college authorities? Why is his phone unreachable? Tell me, what the hell is going on?"

Sanjana, instantly caught off guard by the urgency in her father's voice, struggled to find the right words.

"Dad, I... I don't know. We're at the hospital. Ravindra's in a critical condition, and we're trying to understand what happened. It's like we're trapped in a nightmare. These last three days have been something beyond my understanding."

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