Say sorry, so I can reject your apology

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I want you to say sorry just so I can reject your apology.
I want you to feel sick.
I want you to realize that what you did was wrong and doesn't make you a cool person in any way.
I trusted you.
I told you my deepest secret and you started hating me for it.
I should've known earlier.
This was definetly not worth it.
I regret telling you about how I feel about myself but I want you to regret your own words even more.
Look at yourself in the mirror for as long as it takes for you to realize you're a disgusting and simply bad person.
You don't deserve love from anyone anymore.
You should feel the way I felt when I lost you to unnecessary hate.
I wish for you to drown the exact same way I drowned when you told me I'm disgusting.
I want you to get depressed and stressed about your own identity so you understand that your behaviour is childish and doesn't change the way I feel. It just makes me feel sad and lost.
You deserve to cry every single tear I shed and even more.
Feel the dysphoria crawling up your back.
Feel the lump in your throat when you have to tell people you're something that you left in the past a long time ago.
Feel the hurt and the regret.
Then we can talk again.

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