When I say I like you, I mean YOU and not just your face

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The reason I like Taylor Swift is because she's not just "Shake It Off" and "Me!". She's also "this is me trying", "tolerate it" and "Soon You'll Get Better".
The reason I like Lovejoy is because they're not just "Normal People Things" and "Call Me What You Like". They're also "Perfume", "Cause for Concern" and "You'll Understand When You're Older".
And the reason I like Wilbur Soot is because he's not just "Soft Boy" and "Your New Boyfriend". He's also "Melatonin 130", "Mine/Yours" and "Saline Solution".
What I'm trying to say is that I stay with things and people because I enjoy every part of them and not only their most popular parts.
I try to dig deep and understand every aspect of them to prevent them from being mistreated in any way.

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