Broken Ankle (Part 1)

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"Harry? Harry, come quick! We need to leave now!" Liam called from downstairs. The boys had to go to the airport today, but they had all slept late, making this morning hectic.

"I'll be out in a minute!" Harry called back, quickly putting on some black skinny jeans and a jacket. After checking his suitcase for the last time, he closed the bag and lifted it in his arms.

"Haz? What's taking you so long? Hurry up!" Liam shouted again.

"All right!" Harry, who was suddenly panicked, hurriedly ran out his room and down the stairs, running two steps at a time.

Which was a mistake.

Because Harry momentarily forgot about his heavy suitcase, one of the wheels had gotten stuck between the steps, making him lose his balance and tumble down the stairs.

Harry landed awkwardly on his right leg and cried out, falling forward ungracefully as his injured leg gave out. He immediately curled into a ball, clutching his throbbing ankle.

"Harry! Are you okay? What happened!" Liam and Niall ran towards Harry after hearing the crash.

"Fell... down the stairs... Ankle hurts, Li..." Harry groaned.

Louis and Zayn, who had ran over too because of the commotion, both gasped at Harry's pitiful state.

"Oh shit, Haz.... It's because of me isn't it? I'm so sorry!" Liam said.

Harry just shook his head. "No, Li.... not your fault... ah! Uh... I could really use some... help here..."

Liam quickly carried the hurt boy and laid him on the couch. "Get me an icepack, please, Lou?" He said.

He then turned to Harry. "Can you roll up your pant leg for me, Haz? I need to see if it's just sprained or something serious."

Harry slowly rolled up his pants, cursing himself for wearing skinny jeans. He gasped at the sight of his ankle, which was swollen to almost twice its normal size and slowly turning blue.

Liam, Niall, and Zayn all frowned at the sight.

"Harry, I think this is something serious." Niall said. "Does it hurt a lot?"

Harry just nodded, too tired to explain more.

"I think he should go to a hospital..." Zayn said. But Harry shook his head violently at the sound of 'hospital'.

"You don't want to go to a hospital, Haz?" Liam asked.

"No, no hospitals." Harry said, shaking his head. "And besides, I'm fine... It doesn't even hurt now anyways..."

But his words were proven wrong when Louis tried to put an icepack on top on his swollen ankle, accidentally jostling it a bit.

"Okay. That's it. We're going to the hospital." Liam said. "Can you stand up?"

Harry shakily stood up, helped by Zayn and Niall. He tried to walk, but when he put some weight on his injured ankle, pain shot up through his entire leg and he gasped.

The other boys sighed. It was depressing for them to see their youngest member in so much pain.

"Okay – no walking, then. We'll just have to carry you, Haz." Liam said.

Because Harry was quite a tall boy, it was difficult for the other boys to carry him to their car, but finally they were on the road to the hospital.

"Ughh. My ankle hurts like fuck." Harry groaned. His ankle had now developed a quite strong heartbeat.

Louis stared at him sympathetically. "We're arriving to the hospital soon, Haz."

After a few more minutes of groans and gasps, they arrived at the hospital, and the boys carried Harry inside.

Finally, after a few moments, Harry's name was called.

"Harry Styles?" A nurse called. "Follow me, please."

Liam stood up and pushed Harry's wheelchair (that the hospital had given), following the nurse into the doctor's office. The other boys followed, too.

Inside the room was a friendly-looking doctor whose name tag said 'Dr. Sheeran'. He carefully inspected Harry's swollen ankle.

"Well, by the looks of Mr. Styles's ankle, I'm pretty sure it's broken. But, we'll have to take some X-rays to be sure."

The nurse wheeled Harry away to the X-ray room, leaving the boys very worried.

"Um... doc?" Niall asked. "If Harry's ankle is really broken, how much will it take for it to heal?"

"Well, it depends on the injury... If the fracture is severe enough, he may require surgery and it'll take quite a long time to heal. However, if it's a simple fracture, his ankle will heal completely within a few months."

The boys exchanged worried looks. They were due for another tour in a few weeks, and management probably won't give any breaks.

After a few minutes, the same nurse wheeled Harry back, saying that the X-ray results were sent to doctor Sheeran's computer.

Doctor Sheeran looked at the results.

"Well, I'm afraid that my guess was correct – Mr. Styles here have suffered a transverse fracture in the base of his tibia. A transverse fracture is a type of bone fracture when there is a straight break perpendicular to a bone's length."

"But it is treatable, right?" Louis asked, worried.

"Yes, of course it is. Looking at this fracture, it seems like Mr. Styles might not need surgery, but he will have to be in a cast for a few weeks. Mostly, patients who suffer from a transverse fracture heal completely in a few months, so there is no need to worry."

The boys nodded, relieved that Harry's leg will be fine. Doctor Sheeran then turned to Harry.

"Well then, we will fit you in a cast. You'll be in a cast for four to six weeks. During that time, do not try to put weight on your injured leg. After that, we'll get you in a boot for about two weeks or so. Just remember, the fastest way to heal a bone is get plenty of rest. Okay, Mr. Styles?"

"Yep. Sure. And, please, call me Harry."

A nurse fitted Harry's leg in a green cast and gave him a pair of crutches. After a short instruction on how to use them, Harry was cleared.

As he awkwardly hobbled back to their car, the other boys couldn't help but feel sorry for their youngest member – especially Liam.

So for a few weeks, Harry was pampered good by all of the boys. 

A/N: I'm Korean so sorry if my English was a bit weird... Guys, requests are always open!! Send me some plz <3<3 Love you & thank you for reading this chappy! 

Comment if you want a part two on this!! :)

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