Stomach flu (5k)

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A/N: SmileyKoala21 gave me this idea, so this chapter is dedicated to her<33 

Basically it's from a line in a previous chapter, Lost his voice (Part 1), where Harry says this: 

"And it even seemed to get worse. That's never happened before, except for that time a few years ago when all of the boys got the stomach flu and his fever got so much worse after a few days."

In this chapter, all the boys are sick, but I'm just focusing on Harry! Hope you enjoy!<33

Also this is a ✨5k words special✨ because I recently hit 50 followers and I'm really happy😀 (and yes, this is what I was working on this week, sorry for the wait but I hope it was worth it!)

Okay now you can go on with the story!<33

It all started with Niall. 

A few days ago, in the middle of the night, Harry was awoken by the sound of vomiting in their bathroom, along with desperate sobs for help. 

When he had gone to investigate, he had found a very sick and distressed Niall, emptying his stomach contents into the toilet. 

He had comforted the Irish lad, gotten some medicine in him, and put him into bed, making sure he slept soundly through the night. 

The next day, the bathroom was occupied by the sick boy, along with the other boys providing him comfort, and, of course, tears. But he made it through the day, was able to keep down some soup by the end of it, with his fever staying in a comfortable zone. 

The day after that was when it really started to get messed up. Liam, who had slept with Niall, was found to be joining the Irish boy in the bathroom, puking his guts out. And Zayn too, for some reason, was found in bed shivering under the covers when his body was boiling. 

Louis and Harry ran around the house the entire day tending to their needs, getting medicine into them, getting them more blankets, helping them when they were throwing up, things like that. 

But two of them just weren't enough to take care of three sick boys, and by the end of the day, both Louis and Harry were absolutely exhausted. And the three boys didn't seem to be getting any better, still throwing up every two hours or so, with fevers over 38(100) degrees. 

And today, to make matters even worse, Louis was down too, leaving Harry the only healthy one. He had no choice but to call Paul and accept help from their tour manager, he couldn't do this alone when he was this exhausted. 

Harry winced when he heard the sound of painful retching coming from the toilet, that was probably Louis. He was the only one who threw up like that, since the others were sort of feeling better now. Well, sort of. 

He really wished Paul would come quick, Harry wanted to go and comfort Louis but he was balancing two bowls of steaming hot soup with his hands, for Niall and Zayn who could at least stomach it. He had no hands left. He had tried to feed Liam some toast earlier, but he had just thrown it up. 

As quickly as he could, the bowls balanced precariously on his hands, Harry went into the room where Niall, Zayn, and Liam were sleeping, all bundled up together like burritos. After putting the bowls of soup next to the bed, he checked their temperature with the back of his hands, making sure none of them were too hot. 

After waking Niall and Zayn up, (Liam grumbled a bit before falling asleep again, Harry figured it would be best to leave him alone) Harry each gave them bowls of soup with some medicine. They both gave him looks of gratitude before diving into their soup, and Harry was quickly out of the room once again to help Louis. 

𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒔💚Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat