Injured but has to perform

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A/N: Finally, an update! This is a little bit longer than the other ones :) Happy New Year everyone! 🥳


"Hazza, are you alright?" Liam asked for the millionth time. He looked worriedly at Harry's braced knee, propped on top of a small stool.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, Li. Don't worry." Harry said, a bit annoyed. Well, those were his words, although he wasn't sure if he himself believed it.

He didn't want to worry Liam, or any of the other guys for that matter, but his knee was hurting. It throbbed even though he was trying his best to stay extremely still. The painkillers he took two hours earlier did seem to take the edge off, but not completely, which totally drove him crazy.

But he couldn't worry the other lads; well, to be exact, there was no point in worrying the other lads. Management wasn't going to change their mind anytime soon, so he was just going to have to bear with them and do his best at tonight's show.

Well, he couldn't just blame Management, though. Part of it was his fault, for being the clumsiest person on earth. Who trips over his own feet while walking? He wasn't even running, for god's sake!

And his shitty luck was also one to blame, as it turned out he broke his kneecap after falling. Nope, not a sprain, nor a twist, but a broken bone. Just his usual luck.

"Harry, are you sure? You look like you're in pain." Louis piped up beside Liam, looking intently at his pale face.

"Yeah, of course I'm in pain, it bloody hurts." Harry said, exasperated. "But I'll be fine."

Louis and Liam glanced worriedly at each other. The last time a band member went on stage with an injured knee, it didn't turn out good.

But Harry seemed to be quite keen on insisting that he was fine, so what could they do? They didn't want to aggravate Harry's already sunken mood even more.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that we have to head out soon. Paul should be waiting on the bus. We're leaving in ten minutes." Liam said.

"Okay." Harry nodded, and bowed his head, fumbling with his hands a bit. Then he raised his head back up again, face gone red, and said, "Can... can you help me?" in the smallest voice possible.

Louis smirked at Harry. "Of course, Haz, thought we'd just leave you suffering alone?"

Harry just blushed even more and grabbed his crutches that were resting beside him. He was still a bit wobbly on them, and even though Niall had given him lessons, his were underarm crutches, different from Niall's, and it didn't really help.

He slowly stood up from the couch he was lying on, supporting his weight with his crutches and good leg. By the corner of his eye, he saw Liam and Louis watching him so he wouldn't fall.

Harry hobbled forwards with an agonizingly slow pace. He honestly didn't know how Niall was so fast with them. Liam helped him a bit, but at the end, he kind of got the hang of it so that he could crutch forward without immediately falling down.

He and Liam entered the bus first, then was followed by Louis. They all greeted Paul, and settled down in their usual seats, Harry's leg propped up on the seat next to him.

It was during Louis's awful joke that was meant to cheer Harry's mood when Niall and Zayn decided to make their presence known, and the bus soon departed.

Zayn looked a bit rough, though, and Niall quietly explained that the boy wasn't feeling his best.

"What? Two sicky lads today? Looks like we got ourselves a handful, Payno." Louis said to Liam, in a slightly teasing teasing tone, but there was a worried edge to it.

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