Bad Cold

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A/N: idk why there's so much Zayn in here... Didn't plan for Zarry... eh but why not? lol 😜

"You're up in five!" Someone from the crew shouted.

Harry flashed him a smile and a thumbs-up, getting up from the couch he was sitting on and heading towards the center of backstage. This was where he and the boys were going to enter the stage.

Niall and Zayn were already standing there, messing around with each other a bit. Harry could see that Niall's blonde hair was a bit ruffled, and he stifled a chuckle.

The fans were especially loud today, he thought. Normally, there would be a few screams here and there, not a lot of noise before they came out – although, there were several instances when the fans sang together before a show.

But today was sort of different. It was way too loud to be considered normal.

"Hey, Zayn." He asked. "Is something wrong outside? A bit loud today."

Zayn glanced at him weirdly. "Didn't ya know, mate? It's pouring outside. It's a literal rainstorm."

"And we have to perform?" Harry asked, frowning. "It's gonna be freezing. And wet. It's not good for the fans, either."

Zayn just shrugged. "I honestly don't know, mate, but we're up in two minutes, so you'd better get something warm to wear. I've actually got two layers on."

Harry hurried to get something warm to wear, at least some thicker socks, but he was stopped by a loud yelling in his earpiece signaling him to get in his place. He eyed a very warm-looking gray scarf longingly, but stood next to Liam like he was told to do.

He saw Zayn look at him worriedly, he probably saw his failure to get warm. Harry just gave a slight shrug, and put on his best reassuring face, although it didn't look very believable.

Now that he looked around, he saw Louis bundled up with a white scarf, and Liam had a thick sweater on. Niall also wore some warm clothes, too. He was the only one dressed differently – he literally had a T-shirt and jeans on.

"On three, two, one, go!" A voice in his earpiece shouted. Instantly, the platform they were standing on slowly rose up above, revealing – well, normally, it would be screaming fans, but Harry couldn't see anything.

And that was because Zayn's words about the rainstorm was a huge understatement.

Harry was blasted immediately by harsh, cold winds and pouring rain, obscuring his vision into a blurry blob. Goosebumps rose on his exposed skin, and he shivered violently.

He glanced at the other boys and although they weren't as bad as Harry, they were all wet and shivering. Zayn shouted something, but because of the wind combined with the screaming fans – who, apparently, didn't mind the rain – he couldn't hear anything.

Across his blurry vision, he saw Liam doing the intro, talking to the fans and stuff. With his microphone, it was easier to hear, and Harry could catch a few 'sorry's and 'trying their best's.

Well, normally, Harry would try his best, but right now, all he could think about was how cold he was. He gripped his mic stand tightly, his hands protesting at the icy cold. Soon enough, their first song, Drag Me Down, blasted into his ears, and Harry realized with a groan that his part was the first.

"I've got a fire for a heart, I'm not scared of the dark, you've never seen it look so easy..." He started. He could hear that his voice was shaky, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"I've got a river for a soul, and baby you're a boat, and baby you're my only reason..." He finished his part, and Louis started singing from across the stage. Meanwhile, Harry tried to warm his hands, which were aching from the cold.

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