Hospitalized (pneumonia)

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A/N: A bit longer chappy! Yay!

Harry had been quite sick for the last few days; he had suffered an awfully sore throat and a hacking cough, added with a fever. Management, seeing how bad Harry was suffering, had let the boys a five days worth of rest.

Harry had been immensely grateful for the short break and also for the boys; they had taken care of him, cuddling him when he felt downright awful. Thanks to their care, Harry had felt almost back to normal yesterday, albeit there was still a lingering cough and fever.

But this morning, when Harry woke up, he felt like absolute shit. And to make matters worse, their five-day rest was now over.

Harry didn't know why he felt so bad today, but now all his symptoms were back – the headache, cough, fever, and sore throat.

Just my shit luck. He thought.

Harry curled into a ball and coughed into his sleeve. He immediately regretted it as his throat protested, leaving a burning feeling. He felt terrible.

"Lou-" He tried to call, but soon realized he had no voice left. He coughed again, and groaned.

Miraculously, Louis seemed to have heard Harry's pitiful cry for him.

"Haz? What's wrong? How are you feeling today?" Louis peeked his head through the door worriedly.

"Feel like shit-" Harry rasped, then broke off in a coughing fit.

"Aww, Hazza..." Louis said, entering the room and patting the sick boy's back. "Thought you were all better yesterday..."

Harry just shook his head, too tired to say anything.

Louis sighed. Management would never let them have an extra few days of rest...

He looked at Harry and saw that he had fallen asleep in his arms. He must have been very tired. Louis gently laid him on his bed, pulling the covers up to his chin. Even as Harry slept, he was frowning, as if he was in pain.

It was heartbreaking to see Harry so sick again. Yesterday, he was fine. But now he was worse than ever.

Louis quietly went out of the room to get a thermometer, some meds, and more blankets. He tried to call management, but for some reason it went straight to voicemail.

Before he went back to Harry, Louis went into Liam's room. Liam was always the 'daddy' of the band; he would want to know about Harry. Plus, he was probably the only one awake right now.

Louis found Liam sitting on top of his bed, already dressed and looking at his phone.

"Hey, Tommo." Liam said, looking up when Louis came in. "What's up?"

Louis sighed. "Harry's still sick. It's gotten worse. He's miserable."

"What? I thought he was better yesterday?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, me too... Turns out he wasn't. I was just on my way to check his temp and get him some meds. You wanna come?"

"Sure, yeah, I'll come with." Liam sighed. "I'm worried...We have two interviews today..."

Louis and Liam climbed up the stairs to Harry's room. There, they found Harry shivering in his sleep. They shared a worried look.

"Haz? Harry, can you wake up for me?" Louis asked. "We need to take your temperature." He felt terrible for waking Harry up, but there was no choice.

With a groan, Harry slit open his eyes, then closed them immediately. "Lou..." He rasped. "Don't wanna... just sleep..."

"Okay, then can you just open your mouth, Haz?" Liam asked.

𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒔💚Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin