Part 4 Selena2

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Watching the carriage of the Holy Envoy disappear into the white mist at the end of the stone bridge, King Edward Yau-Leimeng turned around to find Selena, who had seen the envoy off with him.

Selena had behaved exceptionally well today, giving him a sense of returning to the past. But as soon as Selena caught his gaze, she hid her smile and turned away.

Edward dismissed the guards and caught up with Selena, whispering, "Come with me, we have important matters to discuss."

Selena stood still. She wanted to turn and leave, but she would be leaving this home tomorrow. It would be at least three years before she could return. She wondered if, by then, this man who once doted on her so much would have more traces of gray in his temples.

She bit her lip and followed him.

Father and daughter walked side by side, passing through the front hall, the courtyard, and finally arrived at the top floor of the tower—Edward's private study.

Selena followed him into the study.

She closed the door and looked around. It was still filled with books, a large carved desk, and the soft-backed chair. She remembered how she used to sit with her father at the desk, writing, drawing, and telling stories. When she got tired, she would sleep in the little bed by the fireplace.

Not much else had changed. The thick carpet, the banners with emblems, the armor and weapons, all remained the same.

Except for the scent of that woman's perfume that Selena loathed! She could smell it even when holding her breath!

She frowned and sat down heavily on the guest chair, absentmindedly lifting her velvet gown, kicking off her high-heeled shoes, and propping up her legs. She also removed the lace headband from her head and toyed with it in her hand. She looked at her father's tall figure through the large floor-to-ceiling window, her anger still unresolved.

Haughty, arrogant, heartless—truly a scumbag!

After a moment, Edward turned around.

He sighed helplessly. Since he remarried and married Sophia, Selena had become distant and sullen towards him.

Father and daughter had quarreled countless times because of this. But today, he couldn't afford to be angry. There were more important matters at hand.

He walked up to Selena and grabbed her right hand. and put a golden bracelet on Selena's wrist.

"What are you doing?"

Selena tried to take her hand back.

"This is your mother's bracelet."

At the mention of her mother, Selena paused. She straightened her clothes and glanced at her father. She raised her wrist to eye level.

"Mother's belongings? Why have I never seen them before?"

The bracelet was adorned with gold and silver, shimmering with captivating beauty.

Father and daughter fell silent for a moment. It seemed as if the original owner of the bracelet was right there with them. Flames flickered in the fireplace, casting a gentle glow on their faces.

After a moment, Edward spoke slowly.

"This was your mother's beloved possession when she was young. She gave it to me a long time ago. Since you will be going to the seminary tomorrow, I am passing it on to you, hoping it will lend you a helping hand. Come here, and I will show you how to use the bracelet."

"Use it? Isn't it just a bracelet?"

"It's more than just a bracelet. Touch it and see. Follow me."

Selena touched it. Indeed, the material was special—not too soft, not too hard—and the inner side had some fine protrusions. She stood up and followed Edward to the center of the study. Following Edward's instructions, she raised her right hand.

Suddenly, her wrist vibrated, and then a warm sensation spread. In her astonishment, the bracelet melted like butter, turning into a flowing liquid that crawled along her skin and, in an instant, formed a shiny golden dagger in her hand.

The sudden appearance of the dagger startled Selena, causing her to exclaim.

The dagger slipped from her hand, and she hurriedly reached out to catch it, only to realize that the dagger was floating on her palm.

She looked at Edward in surprise.

"What is this?"

"This is an ancient artifact, the Bracelet of Will. Come, try slashing with it."

After saying that, Edward took down a longsword from the wall and held it out in front of Selena. When Selena didn't move, Edward sneered, "Aren't you the one who prides herself on being more manly than men? What are you afraid of?"


Selena's eyebrows furrowed, and she took a step back, gathered her skirt, and swung at the sword with force. The dagger seemed to understand her intention. In a flash, the blade opened wide like the eyes of a suddenly awakened demon.

There was no vibration, no sound,only silence, and no sparks flying as she had expected. It was as if her fingertip had passed through the air.

Only the tip of the sword fell, flipped on the carpet, and lay motionless like a dead fish.

Selena opened her mouth wide, looking up at Edward in disbelief.

Edward suddenly remembered Selena when she was five years old, the first time she pierced the wooden dummy on the training ground. His heart was filled with mixed emotions. He couldn't help but sigh. There were some things he didn't want to prepare for, but had to prepare for.

In the next moment, the dagger transformed back into a bracelet and hung on Selena's wrist. Edward then placed a golden ring on the index finger of Selena's left hand. He made a cross gesture over his chest and began reciting slowly.

"Bracelet of Will, I, Edward Yau-Leimeng, as your current owner, command you to transfer all authority to your new owner, Selena Snow-Leimeng."

As soon as he finished speaking, Selena felt a tightening sensation in her fingers as the bracelet shrank to fit snugly around her wrist. Then, a tingling pain followed as the tiny points on the inner side seemed to penetrate her skin.

"Now, use your left thumb to press the control ring and imagine your right hand holding a dagger."

"Just imagine it?"

Selena was completely captivated by this object. She followed her father's movements, raised her hand, pressed the ring with her left hand, and imagined holding the dagger in her right hand.

But after several attempts, the bracelet showed no change.

"Focus more, my daughter. The clearer the details, the better," Edward encouraged her.

Selena nodded, closed her eyes, and tried harder to imagine. It was a slender dagger shaped like a leaf, with a handle and a curved blade that could silently cut through limbs, causing blood to flow. The person it cut would surely die. But why should that person die? It would be better not to harm anyone and just protect herself. Maybe a shield would be more suitable.

Suddenly, she felt a dizziness, and then heard her father exclaim.

She quickly opened her eyes, but there was no dagger or shield in her hand, and her wrist was empty.

"Where is the bracelet?"

Selena asked her father, but there was no reply.

She saw Edward staring wide-eyed, his face pale, his lips trembling, and his gaze fixed on her face as if he saw someone else.

"Father, what's happening to you?"

But Edward began to retreat, as if he had been shocked and could no longer speak.

Selena rushed to the large dressing mirror, holding up her skirts, and ran to it.

In the mirror, her bare skin was enveloped in a layer of golden film.

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