Part 10 Selena5

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Selena and Ella lugged a stack of belongings, trailing the receiving priest to their assigned quarters.

Once the priest departed, Ella couldn't contain her discontent. "Princess, why does this place resemble a rat's den? It's cramped and falling apart. How can we endure three years in this place without losing our minds?"

Selena, equally taken aback by the dismal conditions, surveyed the room. It spanned a mere ten square meters, devoid of windows, its rough-hewn walls etched with graffiti. Two bunk beds were wedged against one wall, the lower for sleeping, the upper for storage. Across from them stood two weathered desks and rickety chairs. Nestled in a corner, a modest altar displayed commonplace depictions of deities and creatures.

Most notably, there was no private lavatory or bath, a far cry from even the lowliest servant's quarters in the palace.

She furrowed her brow, briefly contemplating abandoning the arrangement. Yet, the clandestine mission to uncover her mother's whereabouts steeled her resolve.

"It's undeniably dire, but we must make do."

"But what about the badge the Archbishop specifically gave you? Why didn't you present it to the priest who escorted us here? We could have requested better accommodations."

"I didn't bring it. I left it in the palace."

"You didn't bring it? Why?"

Ella exclaimed, assuming the princess had only intended to visit and would promptly secure more suitable lodgings. She hadn't anticipated Selena leaving behind her proof of identity.

"I am a princess of a realm. How can I exploit my status for personal convenience?"

Observing that Selena wasn't jesting, Ella sank onto the bed, her voice tinged with despondency.

"Oh no, who can we turn to for assistance now? It's all my fault. If I had been more cautious and safeguarded it for you, we wouldn't be in this predicament!"

"Let's swiftly make the beds and then venture outside for a stroll."

"What's there to explore in this hovel? It's dim and sunless."

"It's not a hovel, it's a cavern! Beyond lies the circular Patrolling Mountain, encircled by sprawling mountain ranges encompassing a vast, level plateau. That's where the academy and the Archbishop's residence stand. I've heard the structures are resplendent, surpassing even the palace."

"Let's forget it. We're unfamiliar with the area. We've been meandering in circles. What if we become lost?"

"Fear not, just follow me."

With that, Selena stepped out, and Ella hastened to follow.

Though she was deeply perplexed by the princess's omission of any proof of identity, she also recognized that the princess had always been headstrong since childhood. She could only acquiesce and console herself. Yet, she was intensely curious as to how the princess could endure such conditions.

The corridor was well-lit, but before long, they encountered vertical shafts, suspended ladders, and short bridges. The walls defied marking, bearing water stains on the ground, with droplets descending from the ceiling.

After wandering for a spell, they failed to find their way out, and consequently, they couldn't retrace their steps. They resorted to knocking on doors for aid, only to be met with either silence or brusque retorts. Finally, they encountered a sympathetic individual.

"What's the matter?" came a gentle voice.

"Pardon us, we are new here and have lost our way. Could you direct us?"

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