Part 8 Selena4

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The caravan on its way to the theological college wound its path down the mountainside for hours until the fog suddenly dissipated. Selena pulled back the curtain, finding herself closer to Salem's streets than ever before.

As she took in the sight of the crooked houses scattered across the distant hillside, the winding alleys reminiscent of knotted intestines, and the frozen garbage piled along the roadside, she was profoundly shocked and deeply unsettled.

Could the kingdom have deteriorated to such an extent?

It wasn't until they approached the entrance to the papal palace that the streets widened and became tidier. Streetlights appeared on either side, towering buildings loomed, vehicles passed by, and even the shops displayed attractive window dressings, while the people themselves seemed to be more vibrant.

If this place could be considered earthly, then what had she just witnessed?

Selena furrowed her brow, her companion Ella looking equally pale. After a while, the convoy came to a stop at the entrance to the palace.

Ella got off to investigate and seemed to have gotten into an argument with someone. Shortly after, she returned to report to Selena, stating that the theological college did not allow so much luggage and they must transfer to a shuttle here. The reason given was that the college upheld equality for all and disallowed any form of special treatment.

"Equality for all?" Selena mused. She liked these four words. It seemed that the papacy was indeed somewhat different from what she had imagined.

"Princess, should we not assert our identity and demand that these ignorant fools leave?" Ella suggested.

"No! When in Rome, do as the Romans do. We'll comply with their requirements," Selena replied.

"But what about your cherry blossom face cream, rose bath gel, and your fur coats, among other things?"

"What's the big deal? Just have them taken back," Selena replied.

"And we need to register. They said we can't use our real names. What pseudonym do you want to use and for the sake of what equality?" Ella continued.

"That's quite amusing. In that case, I shall be called... Raimund. How about that?" Selena proposed.

"Raimund? Princess, are you planning to disguise yourself as a man? How will we live together, and how will I serve you?" Ella inquired.

"In that case, you'll be called Reynard. We can pass as cousins, and that should solve the problem," Selena suggested.

"Reynard? Cousins? Princess, are you really sure about this? It all feels rather peculiar," Ella remarked.

"What's there to fear? If everyone is equal, then we shouldn't be bothered by such things. Just do as I say and fill out the forms," Selena insisted.

Ella could only sigh and walk away.

In no time, she returned with two black robes, stating that these were the school uniforms and they needed to change into them in order to enter. The two of them put on the robes and hoods, then disembarked from the vehicle.

Two boxes lay on the ground, containing the essential items that Ella had instructed someone to pack. As the convoy turned and departed, Ella moved to pick up the two boxes, but Selena gave her a stern look.

"Cousin, from today onward, I am not your master, and you are not my servant. Understand?" Selena stated firmly.

"Princess, I dare not disobey you," Ella replied, still proceeding to grab the luggage.

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