Chapter 1

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(in this fanfiction, i will put some of my ocs for you guys and if you have questions about them, ask them and i will answer. Hope you like this chapter, even tho its probably gonna be short.)

(Leo's pov)
Everyone is starting to get ready. Donnie spotted some weird activities close by. It's our normal patrol night so Raph is happy to have some action.

"Finally some action!" Raph says.

"Yeah! Maybe we will find some alien robots again!" Mikey says.

I don't pay attention to them. I look over to Donnie.

"So, how far are we from the weird activities you detected Don?" I calmly ask my brother.

"Well, it's deffinetly not the Kraang... But, then again, we must not jump into a trap. It might be a trap! Maybe its a minor treath like the purple dragons, but, what if its the Shredder?" Donnie says it so fast i only heard some part of it.

"Don't worry Donnie, if its Shredder, we will kick his butt, like always!" I rassure my brother, it seems to work.

Some times after, we arrive to what looks like an abandonned building of 4 floors. I don't think some body is inside. Donnie gets a little confused look when he looks at his device.

"Its weird..." Donnie says."Its telling me that more then 10 people are inside, but who would be inside if it was'nt some kind of..." Donnie suddently dodges an arrow that came from the building.

"A TRAP!" Raph screams in anger and takes out his Sais. Mikey and Donnie take out their weapons aswell. We are all getting into place for combat. Tiger claw and Razhar get out of the building, smilling and holding chains.

"The Shredder wants one alive." Says Tiger claw, telling the foot bots what to do. Then, fish face, Karai, Bibop and Rock steady get out of the building aswell.

(Raph's pov)

Amazing! Just GREAT! We are in a trap and the whole team is here! How lovely of them. I was thinking of beating Mikey in mortal combat 4 for the third time but i guess it'll have to wait. I look over to Leo, "What now, Fearless leader?" I ask. He doesnt answer, i get a little confused but i get ready to fight. The fight is separeted, i get fish face and Rock steady. Donnie and Mikey have Razhar and Bebop. Leo got Karai and Tiger claw! The last thing we need is Shredder's shredded butt coming too!

"How about a, I TOLD YOU SO LEO?!?" Donnie screams while he attacks and dodges Bebop.

Leo looks offended but also really concentrated in his fight. "Concentrate on your own fight Donnie!" Leo screams back at Don.

I just fight off fish face by taking his breather away. He ran away looking for a water source. Rock steady was a strong one, but he couldnt do anything about all my ninja moves. I attacked him by suprise and knocked him out cold on the ground. Afterwards, i went to help Donnie and Mikey in their fight.

(Mikey's pov)

Omg! A trap?!? That sucks level Raph sucks! Sad that i didnt took both my nunchucks with me. I only have one. But, i should be fine. I see Raph already finished with his fight and coming to help me and Donnie. First, we took care of Razhar. He was an easy one to beat when you know his weak spot! His physique makes him insecure, boo ooh! I jump on him and knocks him out cold screaming "BOOYAKASHA!".

"You should be more careful mikey, we can't buy you new toys every day ya know?" Raph says with a sarcastic tone.

Donnie is fighting against Bebop when me and Raph go help him in his fight. Bebop is caught off guard and gets hit so hard he screams like a little girl. Raph and me laugh while Donnie knocked him out. While we were turning around, Shredder slash Mikey's shoulder and he falls on the ground. That's when we saw Leo, knocked out cold, getting taken by the Shredder, while we were too busy fighting.

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