Chapter 3

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Leo's pov

Its dark. The cell is barely big enough for me. I feel weird, I hope my brothers are okay. That black liquid Stack man injected me might have some effects after all...

Raph's pov

I woke up with a stupid headache. Normally, I would complain at Leo about it but he isnt here. Mikey's cooking so I guess eating will help. Donnie's in his lab doing some random shit again. Master splinter went near me and asked. "What is the matter Raphael? You look tired my son."

"Just a headhache Master splinter, nothing else." I said in a arch tone. Splinter just left to the dojo. Mikey then screamed." BREAKFAST IS READYYY!" Donnie left his lab and went to the kitchen, I followed. Master splinter never eats breakfast. We went in the kitchen and sitted. Eggs- again.

Donnie's pov

Raph gave shit to Splinter and didnt get beated up, that's new. At least, Mikey still knows how to cook. But, he made one extra plate. "Why is there four plates Mikey?" I asked. "Oh, sorry... I forgot Leo wasnt with us.." Mikey answered, putting the dish away. I froze, I tottaly forgot to make a plan on how to get Leo back, Raph's gonna be mad...

Splinter's pov

Raphael is not in the mood, and neither am I. Yelling wont help the fact that he is affected by Leonardo's absence as much as we all are. Michelangelo is making breakfast, so I will go meditate in the dojo. Maybe I can find my eldest son in the astral plane. I close my eyes, and hope he will answer my call.

Mikey's pov

How stupid I am? I should have remembered that Leo got captured! I made breakfast happy that everyone will eat it! I guess I'll just eat the extra. Raph left before Don. He probably went to hit that punching bag in the living room. Donnie asked if I was okay, I said I was sorry i forgot about Leo's absence. Donnie said he did too, cause normally in the moring we dont hear him anyways. He normally goes in the dojo to train with Spinter. Ice cream kitty helped me eat the extra eggs, I didnt know cats eated scrambled eggs.

Leo's pov

I feel awful. Shredder just came and tried to get the lair's location, he knew it was in the sewers, but he'll never know it from me. I got injected of that weird black stuff again. Baxter stackman looked scared when Shredder asked him to inject it. "We should'nt do it too much-" Said baxter, but Shredder didnt gave a shit. When they left, I felt someone calling me from the astral plane. I closed my eyes and started to meditate.

*(The astral plane will be in italic and its Leo's pov)*

*I entered the astral plane and saw master splinter waiting under a blossom tree. He got up and smiled at me. "My son! I was worried you might not hear my call." I smiled at Splinter. In the astral plane he couldnt see my current physical state, I was brused, cutted and bleeding because of the shredder. He could, on the other and, see my mental damages. " What is that black liquid under you, Leonardo?" Master splinter said. I looked down and saw that my arm was leaking the same weird substance i was injected by stockman. Splinter looked worried. "I should get Donatello, maybe he will know what to do. Try and stay here Leonardo." Splinter said before leaving the astral plane. I stayed, like he asked me to do. I knew i didnt have much time before i get the "lunch" of my day, wich is a slice of bread and a glass of water. Barely enough to keep me alive. I waited 5 minutes before i saw Splinter and Donnie getting in the astral plane.*

*Donnie's pov (astral plane)*

* I saw Leo and got worried of that weird black substance, Splinter wasnt kidding. I went closer to Leo, who smiled at me. "You okay Leo? Do you by any chance know what that black unknown substance is?" I asked. Leo simply nodded. I was confused. "Baxter stockman injects a weird black substance in me every time I refuse to say where our lair is." Leo says. I looked at the black substance, curious of what it is. I dont know by look, but its deffinetly not safe. "Sorry Leo, I dont know what it is." I said with a sad tone. Leo suddently disapeared from the astral plane, Splinter took my shoulder and took me out as well.*

We were both standing in the dojo and I asked, "Why did we get out?" Splinter simply answered, "Leonardo got taken out of the astral plane by force, it wasnt safe for us to stay in case they find out we talked with him. It could get him in danger."

I was feeling down, and I went to my lab to do research on what that substance might be.

(I got asked to continue, so here is one more chapter ❤️ I really hope i will post an other one this week since I have a school break!)

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