Chapter 4

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(OMG ALREADY HAVING INSPIRATION FOR AN OTHER?? 🤯 anyways, enjoy!! I will try to make a lot of angst just for you guys ❤️❤️ By the way, in this chapter I include a character i made myself, if you are intrested in her backstory, I will be happy to put more details in the next chapter.)

Leo's pov

I woke up from the astral plane, by force. Shredder was there with baxter stockman. Shredder had the usual suringe and baxter a sandwich. He gave me the sandwich that I ate, no questionning. Shredder then spoke. "You again have a choice turtle, give me your lair's location and no suringe. Or, you know the opposite income." I nod and shake my head at the same time. " My answer is the same as the two past days, no."

I think you can guess what happened, I got injected with that black liquid again and Shredder went away with baxter. This time, Baxter looked back at me with a strange expression and said something to Shredder, but I did not hear, I was on the floor with a blurry vision. I hope my brothers will find me before that black stuff does its effects, or I am scared of the out come.

Raph's pov

Donnie and Splinter came out of the dojo while Don ran to his lab. I asked Splinter what happened. "We spoke to Leonardo in the Astral plane, we left when he was taken away of his meditating state." Splinter said. I didnt understand half of the shit he said but he mentioned speaking with Leo. Donnie ran out of his lab screaming. "THERE IS A WEIRD CREATURE IN MY LAB! RAPH, KILL IT!" I rolled my eyes and went in his lab, Donnie being right behind me. He pointed at a figure in the corner. The figure took place and became a light, then became a young girl. "Your brother is in danger, but so is the whole world." The girl said.

I just looked at the girl blank while Donnie was even more scared it could speak. " Who the fuck are you?" I asked. " My name is no importance. The dark substance that Donatello and hamato yoshi saw leaking from Leonardo is called black death. It is an ancient technique of the triceratons to punish those who did not comply to the leader." The girl said getting closer. We could see she had six wings, eyes all over her body and glowing green eyes.

Donnie's pov

THE FUCK IS HAPPENINGGGGGGGGGGGG?!? That girl came out of NO WHERE and now she says she knows what that substance is? I dont buy it! But Master splinter gets in as he hears his name called, Yoshi. Splinter seems to believe the figure, and I started too when she looks like a seraphime. Its a powerful type of angel. "IF it is indeed that black death you mentioned, how can we cure it?" I asked. The girl went even closer to us and we could see in her eyes good. "There is no cure until its effects are activated, it hasnt activated yet, you still have time. But, not much time." The girl said. "How long d'we have?" Raph asked. " 24 hours at best." Splinter said. "Correct." The girl replied. The girl gave me a crystal in my hands. " Use this, if he does get infected. It will cure black death and transport it to me so I can cure your brother fully. But do NOT get it close to his head." The girl said, before leaving. I studied the crystal for a while until i decided to try adding it to a weapon later. Raph and Splinter left, as i started to work a plan to save Leo from the foot's head quarters.

Splinter's pov.

I have seen that face before, I am sure of it. I will meditate upon it. Maybe Leonardo is in the Astrale plane once again. I get in my meditation position, and go in the astral plane.

(GORE But its just reading so its fine :))

*(Astral plane, Splinter's pov)*

*I arrive, the place seems off. The blossom trees are dead, and I can see animals dead from afar, organs ripped off and all around their dead rotten body. I can also see a creature from afar, it looked like a dragon with blood dripping from its wings. I could quite see its colors, it was too far away. All I could see was that the dragon like creature had also humanoide physical body traits. I was about to go and get a closer look on the creature, until I awoke from my meditation state.*

"DINER IS READYYY!!" Michelangelo said. I will go eat, and then find out what that horrible creature did to the astrale plane.

Leo's pov

I feel even weirder then the first two times I got injected with that stuff. I wonder what it is. I feel cold, like, REALLY cold. I wish i could have my brothers keeping me warm, a turtle pile, a group hug. I just want to be sure that they are safe. Master Splinter is with them, im sure they are fine. I didnt get food for diner, normally i would hear, "DINER'S READYYY!!" From Mikey, I miss that already. Raph probably doesnt even realise that i aint there, its only been three days and some times I leave the lair longer then that. I should be trying to find a way to escape, but I already tried, its hopeless. I leaned myself against the wall and fell asleep.

(Im proud of this chapter I made 920 words! 🤭🤯)

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