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minghao doesn't remember why he chose to major in architecture. he thinks he was influenced at the time he chose it to begin with.

you'd think with the amount of days and hours he spent awake not knowing the meaning of sleep should be more than enough of a reason to drop out.

however, the one thing you'd need to know about xu minghao was how stubborn he was.

even if studying architecture in itself was a challenge, minghao was more dedicated to completing it than anything.

the first two years he spent in college only consisted of that one class. he couldn't afford getting distracted by anything or anyone else.

that was until kim mingyu arrived.

it was in the middle of his sophomore year, he wasn't sure if the latter had always been attendant in his classes and he'd just been too blind to see, or if he was newly transferred.

either way, it wouldn't change how awe struck he came to be when he first laid eyes on him. he figures it would only be a matter of time until they properly greet each other.

to be clear, he hadn't exactly planned how to start a conversation to begin with, let alone actually walking up to the male.

how is it that he always sleeps during their lessons? minghao would rather get stuck in traffic than miss a day in class!

with a huff, he rests his chin on his hand, turning his head so he could steal a glance at the sleeping male.

minghao's quite jealous he can get a decent amount of sleep in during class and still have time to turn in assignments. hell, the chinese can't remember the last time he didn't have bags beneath his eyes.

then again, he can't recall if he had coffee this morning either.

he didn't take notice that he ended up staring like some creep until a pair of dark brown eyes were looking right back at him.

with a flush he immediately looks away.


the first time minghao falls for mingyu is during their project for finals.

it was to be the start of many times that he would see him up close, unable to keep his mouth closed as he watched the taller work within their group.

minghao needed to get his act together fast.

you see, their group had consisted of six members. each person had their own portion of the project to complete; due the week before the assigned deadline so they could get together and work on presentations.

minghao didn't think he'd be the one to blame for their complete incompetence.

just how is it, out of six people in their group, only two had managed to complete their assigned work? it made him want to laugh in complete absurdity.

really, if you aren't going to get the work done, then why even bother taking the class? just another reason why he preffered independent work.

he'll always be the one they'd blame anyway.

he had spaced out at their recent meeting once they began to shout over each other. i'm so sick of this.

"what are you all doing?"

the blonde turns his head to the voice, immediately snapping out of his daze.

there kim mingyu was, his black sling bag hanging loose on his shoulder. he had a coffee in his right hand, while his left was occupied with his phone. minghao wonders if he would blame him too.

"mingyu! i'm so sorry, i completely forgot to get a portion of my work in and they're all making a fuss over it!" a brunette with dyed ends squeaks out, practically throwing herself against him.

the male beside minghao, jaehoon was it? speaks up, "yeah right, someone sent the date wrong, so most of us don't have our research done."

"more like myungho sent the date wrong." another scoffs in front of him, and minghao clenches his fist in annoyance. he lets out a scoff under his breath, looking up with a challenge-about to speak before getting cut off.

"but i sent the date."

they all stop their glaring when an unbothered mingyu takes a seat at the very edge of the table. he takes out his laptop in silence, typing what minghao assumes to be his password, before turning the screen to show the group an email.

"see, sender kim mingyu at the very top. i didn't have all of your contacts, so i asked jake to send it to you all. he must've passed it over to someone else instead."

jake coughs in the middle of sipping his drink, a nervous chuckle leaves his mouth. "i was feeling a bit under the weather so i told myungho to send it out..sorry.."

minghao would like to blame him, he really does, but jake has always been kind to him. if anything he wishes he could take a picture of jaehoon's pale face right now.

"so you see, i think you all owe an apology to.. myungho? yes, because i sent the wrong date. you should never blame someone without the full story." minghao eyes him carefully, and for the second time that semester their eyes link again.

oh, minghao wishes he could tell his heart to stop beating right out of his chest, but then mingyu flashes him a smile and he's absolutely smitten.

the blonde knows hes blushing so he looks to his lap, hoping at the end of the day this was all some crazy dream.

when he goes to bed that night he squeals into his pillow at the thought of kim mingyu actually smiling at him.

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