8 december 2023

734 1 0

Written; 8/12/2023


Woke up, checked my weight with it being 89,7 kg which is fiiiiine

Physically I didn't see any changes, still a bit bloated when I wake up, but that's all for now, I did try on one of my old crop tops which used to fit pretty loosely a year ago (last time I tried it on) but now it's getting also tighter!!
My skin is doing pretty okay right now surprisingly, considering the amount of chocolate I've been eating.. Except for my forehead but my forehead has had acne scars etc ever since I hit puberty, so I can't blame it fully on the food

For physical activities I did do quite a lot today, I went to school first and then back home (10 minutes of walking) and then I met up with my grandmother and aunt to go checkout Den Haag with my camera, since I wanted to take pictures there before but it was too dark and we couldn't see anything, but again that involved a LOT of walking, took track of it and I lost around 700-800 calories while I was out
Once I got home I didn't do anymore physical activities except for showering and such, the obvious
I didn't get any comments today, I did see a guy around my age glancing at me but I have no idea whether he was judging me or he was looking around staring at people.. and my grandmother who is suspicious bc I mentioned food too much probably

What I ate;
I had 1 sandwich for breakfast with peanut butter, 2 yoghurt things (honey and strawberry again), drank some soda, for lunch (before going out) I had 2 packs of noodles and 2 sandwiches with a thick layer of chocolate spread, a donut that I got and more soda
When I went out I ate like some bread with a LOT of steak and mustard, it was so good, I also drank a can of monster which was nice, I never really drink it though
I got some chocolate at school also
For dinner I had chicken wings, mashed potatoes with some type of cheese and peaches (random but it's good) but a bit before that I also had some type of bread with melted cheese and idk what it's called..
And for dessert I had ice cream, not much but still decent

Snacks : I had another donut, shrimps, avocado with salmon and Philadelphia on bread

After all that I was tiredddd and went to my room, doing my usual routine of skin care, hair, I'll rub my belly with vitamin c oil soon and then getting into bed, I'm watching some YouTube in a bit also while eating and just wait till I fall asleep!!



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