Back to Work (.14)

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The walk to Bigby's office was short. Some would say having it in the same building was convenient, but it just felt awkward to Sunny. The thought of it made her feel like there was no space to breathe or think. She hardly had any time to organise her thoughts before they arrived and opened the door to find Nerissa waiting for them.

"Hi, Sunny, Sheriff," Nerissa tried to smile, but there was that ever-present sadness in her eyes.

"Hi, Nerissa," Sunny replied as the way walked in and closed the door behind them.

"Have a seat," Bigby motioned as he sat down at his own chair behind the desk.

As Nerissa sat down looked back and forth between the two of them. Sunny had sat next to her in another share chair. Looking like she was about to pass out from exhaustion. Bigby didn't look much better as he held his hand to his temple.

"I, um... Are you okay?" She asked them both. "You didn't look good last night. I wasn't sure you'd know, around...if I came by."

"I'm fine," Bigby and Sunny accidentally said at the same time. Making them both look away in embarrassment for a second.

"Your hand..." Nerissa meek pointed out.

"It's nothing," Sunny told her. "Don't worry about me."

Bigby tried to say something but stopped to let out a painful-sounding cough.

Nerissa gave them a look. Like she knew they were both full of shit. Bigby took a pack of cigarettes out of the draw. Taking one for himself, then offering to Sunny and Nerissa.

Sunny waved her hand as a no thank you, and Nerissa raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Huff 'n' Puffs? Not many people smoke those."

The Fable took out her own pack and let Bigby light one for her. Sunny could have sworn she saw the name Shorette on the box. She would have laughed if she wasn't so tired.

"So what is it you wanted to talk to us about? I know what you did sending me to the Open Arms. And I think you want to help us again," Bigby said to Nerissa.

Nerissa looked at the floor. "There's not a lot that I can talk about. You know that."

"So that spell Crane was trying to break... It's not just while you're at work, huh?" Bigby asked.

"What I mean is... I don't want to waste your time. But I don't want you wasting your own time, either." Nerissa tried to explain.

"Back at the dressing room, you found a way to tell us," Sunny wondered. "You got Bigby to the Open Arms. Maybe that will work again?"

"You can try. I just... Go ahead. It...might work," Nerissa shrugged.

"You're here because the Crooked Man just sent Crane to the bottom of our list of worries," Bigby walked through it. "And you have something you want to say about that, right?"

"These lips are sealed," Nerissa told them once again. "If I could answer you just like that... I wouldn't have had to make this appointment with you."

"No, I guess not," Bigby sighed.

"Sometimes, we have to find our way through life on our own. Grasping and fumbling in the dark. I...I used to have friends. To help me find my way. But now...they're gone. And I don't know what to do. Is this making any sense?"

Sunny was trying to think of how she could help. The right words to make it all click into place, but she was having as much trouble with it as Bigby and Nerissa. "Are you trying to say something about Faith and Lily?"

"What I'm saying is friends matter. And I...I don't have any left. So I hope you're looking after yours."

"Who are you talking about? Are my friends in danger?" Bigby asked.

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