stuck in chains.

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monday to friday, stuck in chains.
everything's the exact same.
monday to friday, stuck in chains.
all because of this stupid place.

the chains are tightening,
apparently for "safeguarding".
when you could've be communicating
instead of confidentating.

i'm losing my patience,
my limbs are aching,
my glasses are fogging,
because of your ignorance.

i came here for support.
i came here for support.
i came here for support.
but it's clear that here, there is not.

i'm here, chained up.
and you're there, wishing i shut up.
and was the "good girl"
you think deserves to be in this world.

monday to friday, stuck in chains.
but i know there is an escape.
40 minute drive, to a place.
where i can be somewhere safe.

surrounded by a purple case,
an electric rectangle awaits.
but inside this rectangle, we have
my little safe space... wattpad.

there, my wings sprout,
and the chains, i am out.
i'm finally free, and i can be
whoever i want to be.

monday to friday, stuck in chains.
but someday, that could change...

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