an acceptance was long overdue.

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seven years.
that's how long it took.
to get over the death
of just one book.

it was just a mistake, you know,
but that season ended months ago.
and now i can finally let
his elimination go.

it hurt, but now i'm fine
that he wasn't returned on time.
even if those words be and i'm
let to his demise.

things have changed,
time has passed,
wounds have healed,
this one just happened to last.

but now, it's finally fading,
and i'm looking back at everything
he's ever unknowingly
brought to me.

all the happiness and laughter
coming from me, but younger
and how it still happens today,
i guess not everything's changed.

all of my comfort found, all throughout
without a single other sound
just his videos and me all happy,
like the way it'll always be.

an acceptance was long overdue,
but now it's coming through,
but i just want to say one thing
to the person mentioned here.

thank you.

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