for you.

13 0 0

(more on the positive side)

back when i was eleven,
i had a false taste of heaven.
through one person, in year seven
and i thought we were perfection.

but life didn't turn out that way,
and their real colours started to change.
everyone else had problems, but i stayed
but one day, they never came back.

they left. abandoned me even,
and left me to almost rot alone.
eventually, i finally grew
out of their old habits, and moved on.

somedays, i missed them though,
they made me feel like i was home.
and they were really the only best friend
i've had since i was ten.

well, that was the case,
until we first met in late may.
and while we probably didn't think much of it,
little did i know that you would provide me some of the best times yet.

but if i could change one thing,
it'd be one of our timings.
because i can tell that sometimes
i should've been there to help.

i'm sorry i couldn't have saved you then,
and repay the favor.
because if i'll be completely honest,
you might just be a lifesaver.

not even the second biggest ocean
can get in the way of us both.
but god, do i sometimes wish
that it'd be easier than how it is.

truth is, there was this one day
i snapped because of art being today,
and... well... almost got... you know.
but i stopped myself, as i looked up.

the sun literally came out,
and it reminded me of you.
that, probably prevented me
from doing what i was going to.

but that's all in the past, i'm okay now
but i can tell you're not exactly...
just... i'll protect you.
no matter how reckless it may be executed.

if it's for you,
my best friend,
then i'll do it,
up until the end.

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