Her Eyes

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2 Moons Ago...
He arrived back on Earth three sun cycles ago. He landed in the same location, just not the exact spot as last time. His ship remains cloaked whether he’s in it or not, because of course every little helps in keeping it concealed.

He chooses here, of course, because this is the place he saw her last. He remembers where her village was ten years ago, but as expected, when he goes back, he sees they’ve long since moved on. Yet, it doesn’t take him long to find her people again. Doesn’t take him long to scour the lands and pick up her unforgettable scent.

Those three cycles ago, he’d made sure the first thing he did when his ship had touched down was to make sure she was still alive.

...And there she was, knelt down in the dirt again, only this time, she was accompanied by three little oomans who looked very much like her.

He’d watched, from afar, taking in her thriving village before taking her in. She’d barely aged a day and he’d marvelled a little at how her beauty had stayed so strong (he could see how time hadn’t been as kind to some of the older oomans of her site.)

He’d felt a stirring in his chest as he’d watched her smile and listened to her laugh with her spawnlings. And he’d almost, very nearly almost walked back to his ship to leave her be. Only to have his possessiveness over her suck him so suddenly back in when he saw the young male ooman sauntering up to her with an obvious flirty grin.

It still makes him sick how some ooman males choose to present themselves. This ooman male was no different. Slightly younger than his little dhi’ke-de, who was clearly just humouring him with her returned smiles of affection.

He felt something else stir inside of him. Something less pleasant and way more ugly.


Something he’s only ever felt once when he’d requested his first ever off-world hunt and The Elders had still deemed him too young and reckless before passing his wish over to another.

Since that day, he’s worked hard to curb any feelings that resemble envy, or even admiration.

Yet, here he is right now, growling quietly to himself while hiding in the shadows.

He’d blame his little dhi’ke-de, if he wasn’t already thinking about all the quickest ways to end this male ooman’s existence.

He walks away anyway, forcing himself to retreat to his ship, if anything, just to calm himself. Hunting is not why he is here. He reminds himself sternly of that as he shucks himself of all armour and clothing before he flops down on his bed of furs.

He lets the memory of her dark eyes of fury and that sweet battle cry of hers carry him off into his fantasies as he closes his eyes and reaches down to grab his already stiff cock.

And then now, three days later, after he’s roamed around to hunt and collect food for himself, giving himself time to breathe before he reveals himself to her—he’s back hiding in the shadows. And while it’s the middle of the night, the only light he has to worry about avoiding is the main fire where half of the people in the village are still celebrating their feast around while drinking merrily.

(It’s honestly not that different from his own villages and people. Most of his kind have moved forward, whereas his clans choose to stick to more traditional living.)

The darkness is his cover, but he keeps cloaked just in case. He moves slow and steady, keeping his heavy footfalls silent as he moves through the site of tents. (He knows the huge beasts the oomans ride are easily spooked, so, he makes sure to enter through the back way.) He’s scanning each tent and coming up with a few families already slumbering, many empty tents of course with the party still going on, and a few tents with oomans copulating inside.

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