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I dreamt about going back to the Philippines. I was in my hometown. I stayed where I grew up. I was outside eating at a table (it was where I usually did my homework in Elementary and High School.) I saw our neighbor Wellyn setting up her food stall outside. Oding was there too. Later that day, I was pissed off at Wellyn's mother (she's dead in real life) cos she told my father to sell his trisikad for a thousand pesos. I couldn't find my father since he left to find a buyer that day. I told my mother about it.

In another scene, I was at my grandparents' place (it's a different place from real life) waiting outside. There were people there and I was confused. A guy came to me and handed me a piece of paper. It was a sort of business card. He thought I was looking for a job. He was flirty and touchy as well. Someone might have seen us and told my husband. I knocked on my grandparents' door and my family was mad at me. Apparently, my husband and son left me cos they thought I cheated on him. I was so worried and gloomy that I got woken up.

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