Eat It and You Get Transported

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I dreamt about being near the sea at the seawall (like in my place in the PH). I saw a food stall and wanted to buy something (I forgot now). There was quite a long line. I remember getting upset when they didn't have what I wanted. A guy looked sad when she saw me but then he continued walking away from me. There were other foods that the lady sold so I bought them instead.

I went to a building after. I found out later that it was a restaurant. I sat alone at a table. Two ladies sat beside me. One lady started crying. When I looked at them, one was my friend Gellica and the other was her Korean best friend Bella. Bella was the one who cried. I asked what happened. Gellica said that my sister told them something really sad about me. Bella got upset and emotional upon knowing the truth. I couldn't remember what my sister told them.

I dunno if this was a different dream but I was in a school. I went to this particular room. Someone gave me something and told me to eat it. I ate it. I was transported into a different world. I couldn't remember much what happened in that world but it felt like we were forbidden to go there. I remembered being in a hair salon. A gay guy was cutting my hair and asked if I wanted my hair curly just like the girl next to me. I told him I didn't want my hair curly. I went outside and the place was so crowded and people were in line so I joined them. I couldn't remember where we were heading. I only remembered walking to a classroom. It was pretty big and there were a lot of students taking an examination. I could tell by the test papers they were answering. Two teachers looked so mad and it was like they just scolded some students. I quickly spotted empty chairs and took a seat. The classroom was suddenly so quiet. There was someone (I forgot the gender.) who was distributing something that looked so familiar. It was the food (it might be a fruit) that someone handed me and transported me to the forbidden place. I saw some of the students (who took the food) from the forbidden place. I figured they liked being there cos they still accepted it. They hurriedly ate the food. I learned why the teachers were so mad and scolded them (maybe including me). It was the food. I don't remember being handed the food. I didn't see the students vanish from the classroom as I was busy staring at a student across me. A teacher approached him and told him to go home already. He looked at me and looked the other way but he started talking. He remembered me from the forbidden place. I remembered him as well. I decided to go to them. The teacher told me to go with him and she said to act like we were a couple. She advised us to hold hands going out of the classroom. It was so weird.

We were outside then. The student got a car and we went inside. He was driving when something chased us. I couldn't remember what they were riding but it was invisible and we felt their presence. I was quiet the whole drive while he drove so fast to get away from them. Somehow we knew that they chased people (who went to the forbidden place) when they were on a remote road. We were so worried. I prayed for other vehicles to come so they would stop chasing us. Luckily, we came to a traffic intersection. We were so relieved the chasers were gone. We then went to his place. We slept together in the same bed. I hugged him so tight. It seemed like I was quite scared.

I don't remember what happened next and was awoken by my hubby getting up then my son got out of bed next.

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