Getting Preggy

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My dream today is very strange. I dreamt about getting pregnant by a different guy. There were two suspects. Ahahaha! Suspects! One was a young Filipino actor (wao! I didn't expect that. I'm not even a fan in real life.) The other one was just a normal guy. Apparently, I had no clue who the father was. To make things worse, I was married. (My hubby was my hubby in real life.) He was just cool about it. He wasn't mad and aggressive to me knowing I cheated on him. I was in a dilemma about who to choose between the guys. It seemed like my hubby wasn't the option. I was torn about who to be with there. I weighed things out. I pondered on their qualities such as behaviors. My hubby and his mom even helped me to decide. It was as if it was fine with them to leave my hubby.

The young actor was a minor but a good and responsible person. He was almost out of the picture but I didn't want to let him go. The other guy was good-looking but arrogant and a bum. We were the same age. I decided to go to the young one but my hubby urged me to let him go and go to the other guy. I didn't want to. I was certain the young boy was the father of the baby.

Some of the scenes were vague and I couldn't remember them.

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