A Kid with a Knife

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I dreamt about being in a room with my high school teacher Mrs. Bahena who was preggy and another person. Then it changed to her giving birth already. I was in the school waiting area and saw a kid with a knife. She was about to hurt a newborn baby. A guy tried to stop the kid. I wanted to talk to the kid but I decided not to interfere cos she might get angry and kill the baby. The kid dropped the knife and ran away. I picked the baby up from the ground and put him on the bench. It turned out he was my teacher's baby. I walked home with her, the other student and the guy. We passed by a watery field. The water was so deep. We almost drowned. I walked back to where my teacher was. We didn't let her walk on the field. The guy didn't drown but he died from a heart attack. So, my teacher and the other student continued walking to a different path trying to look for a dry path. We arrived at our destination safely. It turned out there was a storm. Other students passed the field. Good thing most of them knew how to swim.

In a different dream, I was outside someone's house. I just sat there on the ground. A guy came and asked about someone (the owner of the house).

In another dream, I was in a room with my boyfriend (he looked like my hubby now). We were in a bed but it looked like a public room with some other people. The scene changed differently to us sitting and talking to other people. I kind of forgot the details of what happened next but my boyfriend left me with another girl. It turned out he had been cheating on me.

Phew! I have three different dreams today. It felt like I had another dream (4th dream). I just woke up as I'm writing this. I finally learned my lesson. Ahahaha!

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