Chapter 0: An Unexpected Guest

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It has been roughly over two weeks since Nazrick was teleported to this New Word, and I, Ains Ooal Gown, am trying to figure out what to do next. At least, that was until Solution came to me with a seemingly important message.

"Pardon me, my Lord." She said plainly.

"Yes Solution? What is it?"

"Someone has found Nazarick's location..."

Someone found us? How? Who?

"Continue, Solution."

"A succubus, clad in uniquely designed armor, stood in front of Nazarick. She never moved, nor deigned to attack. When confronted, she said simply that she had a message for the lord of the tomb."

Someone knows that this is a tomb? And a succubus in armor... Could this woman be a player, or perhaps an NPC under orders from a player?

"What was the message?"

"The message is, 'The Dragon Queen of Alestia requests an audience'. That was all she gave. She still stands outside, with Narberal Gamma and CZ Delta watching her every move."

"The Dragon Queen of Alestia"... That title sounds familiar. Isn't that... Yes, Alestia is the castle that belongs to Telastra. So, she's here as well? That's actually great news!

"Tell this to the messenger, 'The Dragon Queen is welcome at any time, by order of Momonga.'"

"Not 'Ains', my Lord?"

"If this is who I think it is, then she wouldn't know that I have changed it. Now, go deliver my reply."

"Of course, Lord Ains."

Without a moment to spare, Solution left. And afterwords, another few days passed, when we received another message. That the Dragon Queen will be arriving shortly.

On that day, we all gathered in the throne room, waiting. In a short while, the doors opened, with Nazarick maids up front, leading the group, behind them were five women. Two soldiers, a wide distance apart, a woman in the middle, behind them, and another two soldiers behind all, spaced apart. The woman in the middle was the Queen. Her direct appearance wasn't clear, but it was obvious by her outfit, that she was the leader.

The maids found their position, and the soldiers faced outwards, seemingly to keep an eye on my people. The Queen gave a slight bow, before raising her head. Pale skin, blue eyes and silver hair. Thus was undoubtedly who I thought I was.

"I am the lord of this tomb, Ains Ooal Gown. You must be the Dragon Queen."

"Indeed. My name is Telastra Soulare, the Queen of the Alestia Kingdom. It has been a long time, Momonga."

At that, everyone looked nearly shocked, almost even getting ready to kill them. A raise of my hand stopped them.

"Yes it has, old friend. I suspect we have much to talk about. Come, join me and we shall converse."

We walked to the office room, where we sat down and relaxed, and Telastra was given our finest tea.

"Wow. I'm just so happy, that after all this time, I finally find someone from our world." She started, and even relaxed quite a lot. "I see you started calling yourself 'Ains Ooal Gown' now. I suppose everyone else agreed to this?"

"Well, not exactly. To my knowledge, I'm the only one who has been transported here."

"I see. Well, you'll have no qualms from me. But, again, it is nice to see you again."

"Yes, indeed. It's almost relaxing. Pardon my asking, but how long have you been in this world?"

"Yes, it is quite relaxing. To answer your question, I've been here for... around two hundred years, give or take."

"Two hundred years!?" If she was here for two hundred years, then I doubt she was able to find a way to go back.

"I know. It has been a long time for me. Though, I don't seem to have aged. Well, aside from mental aging, obviously. But, I have my duties. I can't die just yet." She happily said, with a small giggle at the end.

"Tell me, after two hundred years, what have you gotten up to?"

"Hm... I guess I'll start at the beginning."

She eased into her seat a gave a deep breath, as she was about to start her epic tale that spanned tge last two hundred years.

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