Alestian Queen Arc - Chapter 3: Exploring The Unknown

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Everyone was gathered in the throne room, staring attentively at me.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I'll get right to the point. According to Hrist's newly gathered information, we're no longer on the same land mass as we were before. Everyone... We are in new lands. Lands that I believe are not native to Yggdrasil."

They listened intently, and from my words, they looked only slightly shocked, it could be because of their belief in me, or perhaps just the way they were programmed. I nodded my head towards Hrist to share more of what she had learned.

"As Her Majesty, has said, we are no longer in the badlands of Alestia, rather we now inhabit an island that seems to mainly be forest, except for one city, if you could call it that, to the west of us. This castle is at the very South-Eastern part of this island."

"Hrist, you mentioned a city? What was it like?" Leo had questioned.

"I was in the air, so I can't say much about the populace, but it seemed to be a trading port, large for the island. The buildings are rather roughly made, there aren't any defenses, and the ships I could see had no identifying flags on them."

"Pirates, perhaps."

"My thoughts exactly. Your Highness, what do you suggest?"

What should we do? We still have no information. Exploring that town might be a good idea, but I don't want my NPCs making a mess.

"I'll explore this town myself. Claire, prepare something inconspicuous."

"Are you sure my Lady?"

"Yes. Leo Nidas, you and one other soldier shall accompany me. Pick wisely, and wear something that wouldn't stand out."

"Right away, Your Higness."

Everyone had then gone off, either under orders, are to do whatever it is they do when I'm not watching them.

Claire had me dressed in something rather simple, boots, pants and a shirt, with some leather armor on my legs and chest. Leo wore similar, though metal armor instead, and his plus one was one of the female soldiers. She already looked rather plain, but she was perfect for what I wanted, and dressed like Leo. We looked like normal adventurers. Now the question is, who's going to try something against newcomers?

Using magic, it took no time at all to reach this shanty town. Of course, we entered where no one was warching. Our first sight of the population was surprisingly normal. They only waved at us before returning back to what they were doing.

It seemed this was originally a private outpost, but then turned into and traveler's haven. Thankfully, because of that, no one assumed anything from us. Even better, by pretending to chat to ourselves, and eavesdropping on others, we learned quite a bit of this world. This island isn't governed by any kingdom, rather, it's supposedly a neutral zone. These kingdoms are all on one landmass to the North.

Three kingdoms made a major note, the Re-Estize kingdom, the Slane Theocracy and the Baharuth Empire. Those three held the most land, and were the major players here. We will keep an eye on them.

More exploring, and, like all fantasy towns, there's that dark alley. A merchant of illicit goods. Drugs, stolen goods, and, of course, slaves. At first, I was just going to take a note, but the slaves caught my eye.

"Interested in a slave Missy? Top quality in Zeonia!"

That's right, Zeonia was the name of this town. And of course these are the best slaves, you're the only person selling them here.

Though, these slaves looked... bad. Scars on their bodies, malnourished, and soulless. One slave brought on extra attention. A young elf girl, couldn't be more than five or six in human years. She had pale skin, green eyes, and long white hair that desperately needed to be cleaned. Just one look at her, and I knew what I wanted to do.

"Quality slaves? That's what you call them? Half of them are either dead or dying, and the rest are damaged goods. If you want to sell them at top price, take better care of them."

"To be fair, they tend to disobey."

"Then get a stick and make an example. Blunt force trauma leaves less scars. That girl though, how much."

I motioned toward the elf girl, nearly dead inside, but you could see a very dim glimmer of hope.

"Ah, good eye. That little brat was caught as a stowaway a while back. She's been able to prove her worth in manual labor and... other things, hehehe."

I want to behead this creep so bad now.

"Anyways, I'll give her to you for... two- no three gold coins."

I sighed as I handed him three Yggdrasil coins, they look gold enough.

"T-These are- How extravagant. Where did you get these?"

"Some poor sop lost in the forest."

"These could easily go for two, actually five times the price! Yes, yes! Take, take her!"

He hurriedly unlocked her cage and threw on a collar, then shoved her towards me.

"That's your new master, brat. Serve her well, or you might be coming back to me."

Not in my life.

Deciding we were finished, we left the town.

"What's your name, little one?" I asked the elf child.

"Don't have one." She hesitated slightly before softly answering.

"Then I'll think of one before we get to the castle."



"My Lady, what are your plans for this slave girl?" Lena, the female soldier, asked.

"Well... I'll explain later."

After making sure no-one was nearby, we used magic to make our way back to the castle, where the maids had greeted us.

"Ladies, give this girl a bath and fresh clothes, then, lead her to my quarters when you're done. And get that collar off the poor thing."

Leo, with his brute strength, tore the metal collar on her neck clean off, and the girl was hurriedly rushed off.

I, in the other hand, went straight to my quarters, where I got dressed in better attire for a Queen. And, I continued brainstorming what name I shall grant this girl.

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