Alestian Queen Arc - Chapter 5: Burn It To The Ground

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It's been about a week since I've adopted Elianys, and she's definitely going to need some warming up to. Poor girl's mind still thinks that's she just a slave with a fancy title. How do I get her get her to understand that I want to treat her as my daughter.


I've always wondered what being a parent would be like, and here I am, with a child I never planned to have. Now I understand how hectic that feels.

"Claire, how can I act like a mother?"

"I do not know, My Lady. But, perhaps caring for her directly may aid in a closer bond."

She's right, but how exactly does one go through with that? The maids and butlers exist for a reason.

I guess I should just continue talking with her. After all, she's my daughter and the princess of the Alestian kingdom. Which isn't an actual kingdom yet. I'll figure something out later.

Work on the other hand, is a complete and total slog. The requisitions box was filled in a short amount of time, and so I had to go out over and over to try and buy the items everyone wanted and needed. I was taking different guards each time, just so they can get some on-the-job training. After all, known only to me for the while, the people on this island are all weaker than even the weakest maid. And she's supposed to be 12!

As time passed, days to weeks, I've grown in popularity, often times called the "Witch of the Woods" or the "Forest Goddess" and other stupid title. Of course, as I constantly came with money that was very pricey, I had a large target on my back. A target made of tungsten carbide, sure, but a target nonetheless.

However, no matter how many die in the process, they always think that threatening my life is a good option.

Speaking of death, I've seem to have grown... indifferent about it. The first person to die was a mugger, but his blood spilled to the floor before I turned to face him. But his body was still there, and I felt nothing. Which was scarier than knowing that we- I have the power to kill many easily.

Maybe... if I were to bring Elianys, maybe less people would die trying to mug me? She is a child, so they shouldn't try anything, right?

"Elianys, dear?"

"Yes, mother?" She answered my call plainly.

"I'm going on another trip out to the town, and I wondered if you'd want to come with me. Stretch your legs, get some fresh air?" I asked, hoping she'd agree.

"Sure, I'll come with you. But I have nothing to wear out there."

"Not a problem. Ladies, please dress her in something appropriate!"

The maids all immediately rushed in and undressed Elianys, trying various outfits until they found a cute outfit that matched the adventurer aspect that I normally go with.

This time, I decided to go with the one of the newest valkyries. And by newest, I mean the latest created one, which were made about a year ago. Or... a year before servers shut down? Yeah, let's go with that. And a valkyrie that was relatively skilled.

Göll and Herja were going to be our escorts this time, and we left without any issues at all. When we got to town, I began our shopping trip.

Circe needed more alchemical ingredients, Manon needs more sewing thread, and we also need more metal for arms and armor.

So, we went and search for everything we needed, which wasn't much, considering the shanty town this was. Elianys was silent the whole trip, so I decided to ask her something.

"Is there anything you want, hun?"

"Nothing in particular. I already have everything I could want. Shelter, food and clothes."

Not a very materialistic gal, aren't ya?

Quite a while later, we finally had everything we needed. But, something was wrong. Elianys was suspiciously silent. In fact...

"Where's Elianys?" I asked Göll and Herja.

"Um... I-I'm sorry, My Lady, I don't know where she went!" Göll apologized immediately, seeing the situation.

Herja scanned around quickly, not seeing any sign of Elianys, which made me start to worry.

"Herja, find my daughter. If she's in trouble, come back to me, and we'll send a message to anyone who dares to fuck with me."

She gave a nod before taking to the air and disappearing from sight to search for my daughter. Minutes felt like hours as I kept pacing around. I've only been her mom for a month and she's already disappeared! How can I call myself a mother at all at this rate!?

After roughly ten minutes Herja came back to report to me.

"She's being held in a house in the eastern part of the town. There's roughly twenty people there. She's been tied up, and from what I can tell, they plan to use her for ransom. Shall I get her now?"

"No. We need to send a message. Let's head back to the castle. Grab everyone and come back." My heart hurt as I said that, but I've had enough. No one takes my daughter and thinks that they'll get paid for it.

In the throne room, EVERYONE was there. All the maids, all the soldiers, all thirty nine Valkyries, and all the mages.

"Everyone. My daughter, the princess of the castle, Elianys Telastra, has been kidnapped and is being held for ransom." A quick gasp escaped, and even many angry roars. "I know, I'm pissed off too. So, we'll pay them their ransom. In blood. We will show everyone on this island that we are not to be fooled around with. We will take over this island and make it ours. Today, we save my daughter. And tomorrow, we start the conquest. And no one can stop us."

In a battle cry, everyone who can fight grabbed the gear and stood in formation outside the castle. I wore my armor, which I haven't touched since I first came here, and I grabbed my halberd and longsword, leading my troops to town.

As we arrived, it was clear to the people that we mean business. My military marched through the streets as we closed in in the house.

"Do not kill anyone unless I say so." I order.

I bust in the door and enter the building, with many troops following behind me. Clearly, the kidnappers weren't ready for this and immediately surrendered.

"Where's my daughter?"

"I-In there! Please, don't hurt me!" He pointed to another room, it looked like a storage closet.

Opening the door, I saw her, tied to a chair and gagged. She looked up and saw me, and it looked like she started to cry a bit, so I quickly cut her loose and embraced her.

"Mama! I thought you n-never come for me! T-They tried to-"

"Sshhh. It's alright now. I'm here. We're going home now."

I picked her up and she held on close, burying her head to my chest. The soldiers still in the building were keeping a close watch at the criminals, and before I exited, they had to say something stupid.

"S-So you're letting us go, right? I mean, I-I have a wife and child at home! Pets too!"

Should've thought about them before doing this then. I stay true to my word.

"Fuck it. Kill them all."

As I stepped put, all I could hear was them being slaughtered by men, but all I cared about was my little girl.

The town was going to be ours. Not just the town, but the island. We will make Alestia into a full, recognized kingdom.

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