Part 1 - Back again

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Lexi yawns. "Finally back home! I could sleep forever at this point." "yeah feels good to be back." Daniel replies as they walked out of the airport. Lexi snorted "its not like its better her though, cold weather and bullies." she said whiles looking at Daniel. He shot Lexi a glare whiles Mr Miyagi just chuckled.

Lexi Mills was Daniels best friend as long as they could remember. They grew up together Daniel was always there for Lexi after her parents passed away several years ago as Daniel and his mum took her in as their own. Lexi was very talented at karate maybe if she was honest was better than Daniel and stood up for her say. She would always stand up for Daniel, especially after the Johnny Lawrence incident.

Even though Lexi was loud and strong on the outside, on the inside she was still just a little broken girl who missed her parents. She never knew any other family members since her parents did not get along with them.

She only even had one picture of her and her parents together.

After her one and only very toxic relationship she swore to never date again, not matter what. she trusted no one expect Daniel.

They always stuck by each others side. Even when that meant she had to learn karate with him so he could fight in the all Valley Karate Tournament.

After Daniel won the boys quit and even apologized to Lexi and Daniel for what they have done. Leaving John Kreese utterly alone. Soon after school ended everything was peaceful and everyone when their separate ways except from Lexi and Daniel.

The two of them would do everything together. They still learnt karate with Mr Miyagi but just for fun rather than competing. They both swore they would never compete after what happened last time.

But when Mr Miyagi found out his father was on the verge of passing the three of them travelled to Okinawa.

When they arrived Lexi and Daniel met a girl named Kumiko, the three of the them spent most the time together learning about the village and culture. But a boy by the name of Chozen seemed to take a dislike in the two especially since they were students of Mr Miyagi.

When Chozen found out that Daniel and kumiko fell in love, it infuriated him even more. After a torrential storm with Daniel rescuing Sato, Chozen's uncle, Chozen came after came after Daniel to kill him now that his honour was ruined.

Again, Daniel had won the fight.

Now that they were back home they hoped they could put everything behind him and enjoy their summer. "I think you've had enough fight to last you a lifetime' Danny boy." Lexi teased him. "I hope so!" He chuckled "Hai, me too," Mr Miyagi agreed .

"why mother not here to meet you two, Daniel -san? did you tell her wrong flight number?" Mr Miyagi questioned "Nah she is away at work." Daniel sighed "The whole holiday. I told her not to work hard, I said I could pick up a few jobs. But of course she did not listen to me." "ahh it's okay Daniel-san, you and Lexi-san are staying with me until mother back." Mr Miyagi replied


Meanwhile Daniel and Mr Miyagi were starting to move their things, Lexi was weighing out her options. On one hand she could start college in the fall and help Daniel and Mr Miyagi with their new bonsai shop, but on the other hand, she could start her classes now and have a head start on her degree... that she still had no idea about .

Throughout high school, she never really had any idea what to do in the next chapter of her life, even though Lexi was a very gifted student she did not know, she always had people offering her different places to go or do things but she never seemed to think they suited her. When her parents passed and she was old enough to receive her parent belonging, she realised that they basically nothing. she was young she never knew how much her parents suffered for her upbringing. But Lexi was always grateful for everything her parents gave her and she cherished them deeply.

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