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"morgan! it's time to get up!" morgan's mother, lauren called from downstairs. morgan groaned, removing her blankets from her body and sitting up in her bed.

two more weeks. two more weeks until christmas break. you can do it. she thought to herself as she stood from her comfortable bed. she walked over to her closet, gazing over the options with her heavy eyes before just going with a simple sweater and a pair of jeans.

after getting ready, morgan headed downstairs with her bag and was greeted by her mother.

"hey, sweetie," lauren kissed her daughters cheek before placing a plate full of food on the table.

"i made you breakfast, but you'll have to hurry or you'll be late," morgan nodded, sitting at the table.

"thanks, mom,"


as morgan stepped into the school, she immediately heard the loud chanting: "GO, CC! GO, CC!" they do this every time they have a game.

morgan and CC weren't "close" but they didn't dislike each other. they would talk from time to time.

"hey, morgan!" CC shouted over the chanting.

"hi, CC," morgan smiled and waved before walking over to her locker, where her best friend, carly casey was waiting at.

"morning, morg," they shared a small hug before morgan unlocked her locker.

"don't we start that english project today?" carly asked. morgan groaned, taking out her books and closing her locker.

"oh my god, i completely forgot about that!" carly chuckled, holding onto the strap of her bag.

"well, at least-" she was cut off by a scream, and the sound of someone smashing into a locker. the two girls looked over and seen the nerdy boy, wyatt walker lying on the ground, and hunter drew standing over him. as carly chuckled, morgan's brows furrowed in concern.  she knew people teased wyatt, it's high school, what do you expect? but she didn't realize people were getting physical with him.

the two watched as hunter yelled across the hall, and wyatt quickly raised to his feet and scurried away.

"damn," carly shook her head. morgan's eyes followed wyatt's sprinting character, watching as he turned the corner.

"hey, i'm going to use the restroom before class, see you there?" carly nodded.

"see you," morgan retraced wyatt's steps, and saw him with his legs up and his chin propped on his knees.

"wyatt?" he jumped, looking up at the brunette girl. he'd seen her around school, but he'd never spoken to her. hell, he'd never spoken to any of the girls here. well, besides ariana, but they've been out of touch for a while.

"are you okay?" she softly asked, slowly walking toward him and kneeling down to sit beside him. he watched as she sat on her knees beside him, confused on why she had followed him.

"i-i'm fine," he replied, putting his legs down and laying them down straight in front of him.

"i saw what happened, just wanted to check up on you," he chuckled, holding his bag close to his chest.

"everybody saw what happened," she let out a small sigh, placing a hand on his shoulder which caused him to jump.

"well, i'm here for you if you ever need to talk, okay?" he hesitantly nodded, parting his lips to say something but being interrupted by the bell, ringing loud in both their ears.

"well, better get to class!" he quickly got up, and rushed to his class, leaving morgan alone on the ground.


i've been seeing a lot of brady stories, but no wyatt ones. i ❤️ wyatt so i figured i would make my own. i'm so excited for this story!

PUBLISHED... december 10th 2023

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