chapter 3

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"What again? How much money do you need?" he threw up these words as he felt Jooyeon tap his arm from behind. He was now in the library, sitting with his headphones turned on and a slow, mellow melody playing. The blond sat in front of him on the red armchair and crossed his arms on the desk, not saying anything. "You are so weird, you know that?" Jiseok muttered, sighing quietly.

Jooyeon smiled at him eloquently, as if waiting for Jiseok to realise why he came to him, but Jiseok was just oblivious or pretended not to know. After all, he was A ROCKSTAR and not a magician.

"You are testing my limits now," Jiseok said, putting the headphones down and closing the book he was reading. It was run reading from time to time but wasn't his hobby, his mind was going crazy after following lines of text that seemed to flow together. "How much do you want?" he repeated the same question and scanned the face of Jooyeon who seemed to enjoy this moment very much.

"I was thinking about another smoking session but okay, 400 dollars." he smiled both excited and sad. This amount of money was sufficient for him to buy some nice games and not really important stuff to make his fragile existence interesting but smoking with Jiseok seemed more appealing.

"Why don't you go and smoke yourself?" this question was rather stupid, he knew that Jooyeon would say thank you for such an offer, but it was worth trying. Maybe it was his lucky day and after these words, the boy would be gone.

"Boring. I prefer doing it with you." was his answer, sealed with a loud noise of his fists hitting the black wooden table. 

"I can give you some," he searched for the pack of cigarettes in the pocket of his blue torn jeans and Jooyeon just sighed annoyingly. "You have a friend, don't you? The emo one," he asked thinking about whom he had seen with Jooyeon on the corridor and all he remembered was a tall, lean boy who to him looked a little mysterious and had heavy eyeliner on. 

"Hyeongjun. I am not gonna smoke with him, apart from that he is hanging out with his boyfriend now," he responded shortly, making Jiseok wonder if there was even a chance for him to spend some time alone during his two-hour break. He couldn't be stuck with this irritating blond any more. 

"Maybe it's your chance to get closer to his boy, the three of you can chat together, it's gonna be funny." he tried persuading him but Jooyeon scoffed making it obvious that he didn't like the idea. 

"You are trying to get rid of me so badly, why can't you just spend some time with me instead?" he rolled his eyes as if it wasn't a big deal. Just a few minutes with Jooyeon won't do much? Whoever would say that, in Jiseok's opinion, would be so wrong. It was hilarious.

"What do you want from me now? My money or what?" 

"I mean money is good, but I enjoy talking with you and I thought you do too." Jooyeon shrugged looking at Jiseok with his big eyes and a pitiful sight in them. It didn't make Jiseok feel any strong emotions despite pure frustration.

"Jooyeon we talked for longer than 5 minutes max two times," he started, causing the boy to straighten up as if he had just heard Jiseok accepting his offer. It concerned Jiseok a bit too much. "And all these talks revolved around nothing special."

"You may be right but they were still interesting. Isn't it amazing how we turn dull topics cool?" he was so carefree it made Jiseok wonder how he acted so untouched even after clearly hearing that he didn't want to talk with him. Wasn't he hurt? He was sitting there smiling waiting for him to change his mind but Jiseok didn't seem willing to do so.

"No, Jooyeon," he shook his head from side to side despite strongly agreeing with him. Somehow their talks were intriguing no matter what, yet it didn't matter now. The most important thing was that Jiseok wanted Jooyeon to get away from him. "Now go," he got up, noticing that Jooyeon did nothing about his words as if he were deaf. 

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