chapter 17

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Tina wasn't blind, let alone deaf. She knew exactly what had happened and just smiled at the two boys eloquently the next day when they finally decided to emerge from Jiseok's room. It didn't go unnoticed by them, Jiseok even blushed not knowing how to react to this persistent look drilling holes in his body.

They went to eat, Tina worked on the computer for her work and then they all found themselves on the couch; resting. Everything seemed completely normal, despite the obvious information hanging in the air like some kind of fog dwarfing everything else, until...

"Did you invite someone?" Jiseok looked at Tina from the other end of the red sofa as a doorbell rang. She shook her head from side to side.

"No... maybe it's a neighbour," she shrugged her shoulders, getting up as the silence resounded loudly between the three of them. She didn't want to get up and go, but because the boys weren't saying a single word she had to do it. As if it were some unwritten rule—you say it, you do it.

As soon as she disappeared from their sight they exchanged goofy grins and showered each other with tons of sweet kisses as if not touching each other for such a short time was a big deal to them.

Tina, on the other hand, sighed walking to the door, and when she finally opened it, she saw someone she had never seen in her life before. A boy, probably around her age, tall with broad shoulders. That was all she took in as she quickly scanned his silhouette.

"Morning," he nodded his head along to his own words. "Is there Jiseok inside?"

Tina frowned, she didn't know the boy nor did she think Jiseok knew him... His face was somehow similar; really handsome, somehow chubby yet very elegant.

"He is," she found herself saying. "What's up?"

The boy took a peek inside the house noticing the two boys sitting on the couch; snuggling in their arms and giggling at every slight close touch. They looked adorable, to say the least. Both of them stared at each other, slightly red and overjoyed as if being next to the other one gave them a lot of happiness.

Tina saw him looking and she chuckled, making the weird guest come back to his senses.

"I have to talk with him," he said emphatically, his jaw slightly clenched.

He had to, Tina tilted her head right, but who was he even? She was sure she knew him. She scanned him once again when he mindlessly gazed at Jooyeon and Jiseok, and now she was completely sure that she had seen his face before.

"Does he know you?"

"We... we are friends from childhood," he replied, words tasting false to both him and Tina. She sent him a sympathetic smile as if telling him to give up already... but he didn't. "I heard that he lives here now and I live close," he shrugged his shoulders. "So I thought why not stop by."

"Okay, whatever it actually is, I need him to see you first," she stated, turning her face away to Jiseok as the boy nodded. She snapped her fingers laughing at the two on the couch as they awkwardly got off each other. They had questioning looks on their faces and managed to only stare at her, not even say anything. Jooyeon, who was closer to the door, tried to stretch out his neck to see who Tina was talking with but the boy stepped back, hiding himself.

Something smelled.

"Someone came to you, Jiseok," she spoke up and the said boy looked at Jooyeon and then at Tina again, this time getting up and rapidly coming to the door frame. "Your friend... or whatever," she uttered sceptically as Jiseok approached her.

"Hi, Jiseok," a tentative voice resounded in the air... Jiseok felt as if his heart had just been crushed and Tina observed him from the side. The look on his face didn't indicate anything positive, the black-haired boy seemed to also notice how bad he suddenly felt. "I'm not here to tell you to talk with him. Don't turn away!" He shouted but Jiseok didn't listen to his voice.

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