
36 1 0

A/N: I don't know what happened but for some reason the original post wouldn't let me add anymore chapters to the story, so I had to re-upload it. Sorry for the inconvenience of those who were reading it.


"Kill them." I felt my ear twitch. "Kill them for me and I will let you go. I will make sure that none of my family ever hunts you down again. You'll be free."

My eyes opened and the scenery faded into view. Stone walls, an iron door in front of me with a small opening at the top... I could feel the cuffs on my wrists, neck, and ankles, weakening me and keeping me locked up. The sun coming through the side window looked like it was going down but it was all the light I needed. I looked back at the small space in the door and saw a pair of eyes watching me. I lifted my head a little, feeling like I haven't moved in centuries.

The person on the other side seemed happy with my response and gripped the small bars on the space harder.

"I thought that might pique your interest."

"Why?" I whispered, my voice having trouble.

"Because they treat me like shit and I can't stand it anymore."

I chuckled. "You'll have to do better than that..."

There was silence for a moment and I was sure the person had left.

"I'll let you eat me."

Come again? I thought, lifting my head to meet the eyes of the person looking in.

"My family thinks that you're the best kept secret of the clan and doesn't even know that I know you are here. I stumbled upon this place while running away from them. When I realized what you were, who you were, and why you were here, I looked into figuring out what could be done. They may have sealed you away, but I also know that in order to be human again, you have to eat another human."

"If I eat you, I turn into you, you know."

"I'm well aware of the flaws in the making and what it implicates."

"Why can't you get rid of your family yourself? Why would you willingly sacrifice your life just to have me kill them?"

"If I could do it myself, I would have done it already. If there was any remnant of your original body, I'd have done something with it to help, but I can't."

"You seem to not be able to do a lot of things, hmm?"

"It's not for lack of trying. My family treats me like shit for something I have no control over. It would be justice if you looked like me, talked like me, and acted like me but used your power to eradicate them."

"Other than them keeping me drugged up and locked up, I really have no use or time for this foolishness."

"My clan is the Everyc Clan." I felt a chill go through my spine and I met the young man's eyes again. "I know you have beef with us."

Beef, pork, chicken; dude, I have so much against you guys I could make a buffet. If we hadn't eradicated most of the Darkmist Clan, I would swear the Everyc Clan was a branch off of that evil, twisted tree. The odds seemed more favorable now.

"What would someone of the Everyc Clan have against their family? I thought you guys were diehards for family?"

"I'm... not a true Everyc." He said, looking away. "Even though the Darkmist Clan was eradicated, some of their procedures were still experimented with. My... father... was one of them that was tested upon."

"I see."

"It killed him and so I am treated like an abomination when I had no say in the matter. They decided to use my father in their own wicked games. Not everyone is Sobek Lopiertus." He said, looking dead at me.

I smirked. "Indeed, they are not."

"So, what do you say?"

"I'm intrigued. What's your name?"


"Glint Everyc, huh? Are you sure this is what you want?"

"My family needs to be taken down before they become like the Darkmist Clan and only you can do it."

"Alright then."

The door opened and a young man in his early twenties stepped into the dungeon. He had a key in his hand and he walked over to the cuffs that were keeping me bound. He slowly unlocked all of them, leaving my neck for last. As he unlocked the neck piece, he pulled out a knife from his belt. He sliced his hand open and smacked his hand onto my face, letting the blood touch my mouth and nose. As soon as I smelled the iron scent of the blood, I felt my senses start to fade, wanting nothing more than to catch prey that had presented itself to me.

I was an animal.

So I do what animals do.

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