1: Life In Color

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I opened my eyes and recoiled back a little. Color... I hadn't seen in full color in so long... I forgot how vivid things could be. I lifted my arm up and found flesh instead of fur, normal fingers and peachy skin. The only hair that was on me was the long hair that was falling around my face. I felt smaller, less muscular but still strong. I pushed myself off of the stone floor and wobbled a bit, not used to standing on my own and my center of gravity different than before. I looked over and saw the bloody remains of Glint Everyc, his clothes torn from my claws and his body mangled beyond recognition. I looked behind me at the prison I had been in for years, unsure of how long it had actually been, and walked over to the shackles. I reached out and touched them, the metal burning my skin. I immediately dropped it and watched my hand heal in quick succession.

It left a scar though...

"Interesting..." I said and put my hand to my throat.

My voice sounded weird. It was a mix between my real voice and Glint's voice, which made me sound younger than what I am. Then again, Glint was younger than me. I'm supposed to be in my late twenties, but Glint was in his early twenties. Not that big of a deal; at least he wasn't old-old. Still, the healing and the scarring were interesting, considering that my body was supposed to be different. I looked around to see if there was any remnant of clothing that I could spare off of Glint's body and it looked like only his boots and his shirt were intact enough for me to do anything with. I sighed and undressed the corpse, tying the fabric to my body in a makeshift outfit to at least get into the house and change. Hopefully, I didn't run into anyone in the Everyc family.


As I left my prison and traveled the hallway, it was plain to see that where I was being held was in some sort of secret place. The walls were bare and raw, made out of some sort of cement, and it seemed like I was ascending out of a secret passage. As I made my way out, I found a ramp and made my way to it. When I got to the entryway, I found that the ramp was behind a bunch of large jade vases with intricate patterns shaped into it. ~The figurine on the wall is the mechanism that opens the trap door. Make sure you put it back so no one realizes it's been open~ a voice in the back of my head that wasn't mine seemed to remind me. This was all so weird...

I did what the voice told me, though, and moved the figurine back into position, the door to the secret passage closing up and looking no different from the floor pattern all around. I looked around to see where I was and it looked like some sort of treasury. Were the Everycs pirates or something? What the hell did they need a room like this for? As I walked towards the door, I realized that it wasn't really a treasury, but more like a collector's room. The large vases from before looked absolutely stunning from afar and there were some other rare and beautiful artifacts that were neatly placed around the room. They must have either accumulated it with their wealth or it was given to them from other clans.

I opened the doors to the collector's room and found myself in a grand hallway. Just who the heck was Glint Everyc's family? Were they the heads of the clan?

"What the hell are you doing?" I turned, finding a portly looking young man in maroon and bright red ensemble glaring at me like I was the scum of the earth. "What happened to your clothes?"


"What were you doing in the collector's room again? Didn't father tell you not to go in there anymore? Just your presence could devalue the objects inside."

~You were reading the text on the vases again.~

"I was just reading the text on the vases again... You know..."

The young man frowned. "You can't even read, you stupid Spawn. If you can't even read the regular language then what makes you think you can read Drakoni?"

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