6: Music For the Ears

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I ran after Lenora as she walked briskly in front of me.

"Hey, Lenora! Lenora! Lena-"

"You will address me as Iksces-Lenora." She said, suddenly turning to me.

I stopped in my tracks as she glared daggers at me. I didn't realize she was a little taller than me too.

"What do you mean? We're the same age, aren't we?"

"I am higher than you." She said curtly, turning away.

"So? We can still be friends, right?"

"I am not your friend."

"But you want to be."

"I do not."

"Do you actually enjoy living here with these strict rules?"

She didn't say anything and I ran in front of her, stopping and holding my hands out.

"Look, I'm sorry that I got you in trouble but all you had to do was just leave me alone and not tell anyone about it. If you hadn't said anything, I would have gotten in trouble on my own and you wouldn't be here with me."

"I broke the rules as well. No one goes unpunished."

She walked past me. I put my arms down and followed after her.

"Is this the first time you've gotten your magic blocked?"


"Aw man, I'm really sorry about that."

Lenora seemed to think about the comment for a moment and then she put her hand on the door to the library.

"The sooner you finish copying the book, the sooner you will have your magic back."

"Hey, by the way," She looked at me. "Your wings are incredibly beautiful. You must have trained very hard to have them that big and shiny like that already. Even mine aren't that nice."

"It's the product of efficiency."

She walked into the library and I made a face.

"A 'thank you' is usually what people say after a compliment!"

I went in after her so that I could start writing on that stupid book.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

It took three days to get to the Cloud Clan on foot (as usual) from where we were, which is probably why Lenora had been so close anyhow. Depending on how fast you fly, you can actually make this journey in maybe about an hour or so. Well, at least I could when I had wings. I was one of the fastest in my clan and won a few races with some others. We passed through the veil and I thought that I would be comfortable like I was the first time but as soon as the steam hit me, I thought I was going to faint. Apparently, this body was not as used to the weather like mine was. Actually, I started feeling queasy almost immediately and Aghitt looked at me while I rode Pixie.

"Hey, you okay?"

Lenora turned around from in front of us and I started fanning myself with the collar of my shirt.

"It's muggy... I'm not used to this much humidity."

"I'm sure with that under-body of a werewolf, it's even worse, huh?" she said with her lips pursed.

I made a face at her and she did one back to me.

"If you need to use any spells that will help with your adaptation of the climate, you're more than welcome to use it, Urens-Everyc." Raijin said beside me with a sympathetic smile.

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