2: Angel of the Clouds

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I pressed up against a pillar on the outside of the courtyard, looking around it to see what was happening. There in the middle of the courtyard were two young women dressed in the pristine white clothing of a Celestial clan, but the light blue embroidery along the edges of the clothing with the fluffy clouds noted that they were from the clan I didn't want to run into: the Cloud Clan. Fuuuuck, how could this happen? I didn't even think the Everyc Clan would allow such a prestigious clan like the Cloud Clan to step foot in their boiling pot of copycat evil. Did the Cloud Clan get stupid while I was gone? Judging by the effectiveness of the two girls and the pile of imps around them on the ground, I can't exactly say that, can I?

~They must have called the Cloud Clan here.~ Glint said in my head. ~There must be something more going on than I'm aware of.~

"Considering the way that they treat you, I highly doubt they would keep you in the loop. I'm going to go around and see if I can discern what's happening."

I crept along the pillars, trying to keep myself out of sight so that I could listen to what was happening. As I got closer to the girls who were shooting out their light beams, I could hear them talking.

"I'm telling you, Riein, this isn't a coincidence. Imps don't just appear out of nowhere unless someone is doing dark magic."

"That's not necessarily true. Imps are the lowest form of evil being and just having a tumultuous household could attract them."

"Of this magnitude? I don't think so."

The two quieted so they could continue to take down the large cloud of imps when a wolf's howl broke through the silence of the night. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, knowing that this was no ordinary wolf. The two girls looked at each other in horror and the younger one, the one with the platinum blonde hair, stopped sending light into the sky.

"Was that... was that a werewolf?"

"It couldn't be. The clans eradicated the werewolves once the Darkmist Clan was defeated. There shouldn't be anymore of them."

"What if it's Sobek Lopiertus?"

The older one shook her head. "Sobek was killed fifteen years ago."

"No he wasn't. They said he disappeared fifteen years ago, not that he died. They say that the last thing he did was sacrifice himself to the last remnants of the Darkmist Clan and allowed them to turn him into a werewolf."

I frowned. Is that what they were saying about me? For real?

"That doesn't make any sense. Why would he tell them to turn him into a werewolf when he knew that they hadn't perfected the process yet? He would be stuck as a werewolf forever, never to return to his own human form."

"All he had to do was eat someone and he could be right back in the game." Blondy said, putting her hands on her hips. "He's not above choking a body down to get a human form."

Damn, I'm ruthless then, hahaha.

~I'm glad you think this is funny.~

"What's to do but laugh? I sound like a horrible person."

~Weren't you?~

"You guys are too gullible for your own good."

Another howl let out, closer this time, and the hairs that were already hackled seemed to pull on my skin from being so alert to what was happening. I felt my body shiver and a burning fire ignited in the pit of my stomach, fanning out into the rest of my body. It wanted to change... it wanted to fight. I clutched the stone pillar I was leaning on as tight as I could, willing the feeling to go away. I didn't want to change... I just got out of that nightmare, I didn't want to go back!

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