5: The Idiot and the Pretty Lady

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"How much magic do you have? Are you decent enough?" I asked Glint.

~I'm not that great. Simple spells is about all I could get to work since they didn't want me to learn anything else.~

"Why was that?"

~Even though the spell for my father killed him, it was still a dark magic spell. They thought that I would be more powerful than Aprik and inherit an innate ability to work with dark magic, so they didn't want me to do much.~

"Ah, I see. So, your stuff won't work."

The werewolf opened its mouth to try and bite me but I jumped out of the way, the flame extinguishing. I could hear the wolf sniffing me out and I looked around, realizing that there wasn't much I could do under the circumstances. I started to take off my clothing.

~What are you doing?~

"Testing out a theory..." I said, getting my boots off and finally standing completely naked.

I closed my eyes and let the sensations all around me fully immerse into me. I let the silence be loud, the dark be light, the scents be strong, and the feelings be stronger. I felt my body changing into what I had been stuck as for so long, but this time, I was in control. I knew that I could change back and keep my head.

I knew I was in complete control of myself.

The other werewolf seemed confused by my presence but that didn't matter once I was on them. This was a dual between creatures of the dark and only one form of evil was going to survive the night.


After what felt like forever, I ripped through the other werewolf's throat and it fell dead, spasming as its blood left its body. I howled in victory for good measure but it took all the strength out of me. I leaned up against a tree and relaxed, letting my body go back to the new body it had obtained. I felt smaller and lighter, but the strength of the wolf was still pulsing through my veins. I heard something in the bushes beside me and looked over, finding Lehr looking at me with wide eyes. I gave a salute to him in greeting.


He just kept staring at me for the longest time, not moving, as if he were made to stand still. I just stared back at him, his mismatched eyes and mine locked into place. I could almost see what he was thinking. He didn't know if he should tell Pluto or not about what he just saw. It would be stupid of me to think that he didn't see me turn back into Glint from being a werewolf and after what happened yesterday with the stone, it would make him put two and two together.

"Did your uncle send you on another hunt?"

Lehr swallowed for a second and then seemed to regain his composure, standing up a little taller.

"I saw."

"I figured... You going to tell your uncle?"

He shifted on his feet. "Uncle doesn't have to know everything."

I smirked. "I see... What do you want from me then? I know a shit-eating smile when I see one." You take after your father, you little shit.

"I'll keep your secret if you tell my uncle that I defeated this werewolf and not you."

I lifted an eyebrow. "How you going to prove that? You're clean."

"I can roll around in the dirt a little and get my bear claws stained and stuff."

"Going through life having things handed to you isn't the way to live."

"I don't have anything handed to me!"

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