Chapter 11

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If you want to skip the song chapters go to chapter 12 there's one song there at the start but you can skip it.
You don't have to listen to the songs but there are lyrics in it but if you want to the links are below, if you don't like song chapters you can either skip this chapter or you can just not read the lyrics, your choice but there would be a couple of chapters would be songs, if you are listening to it I think you mind need to pause it a couple of times then read the bits in between because it might be a bit fast.

First one

Second one

Peter's POV

After I got introduced I turned to the band and showed them the notes to one of my songs nobody was on the dance floor because got off to  see me perform,I walked up to the microphone.

No one's POV (third person)

"Hey everybody I have a song of my own called Blame it on me so I-I hope you will enjoy it." (George Ezra Blame it on me) Peter said into the microphone as if it was normal while trying to ignore the stares from 200/300 people and a couple of cameras in the museum then all of a sudden the guitarist started playing. 

'The garden was blessed by the Gods of me and you'
'We headed West to find ourselves some truth, oh'
'What you're waiting for? No What you're waiting for?' Peter sung with passion in his voice, it is his favourite song so that why he thought to play it first, to make him less nervous.

'We counted all our reasons, excuses that we made. We found ourselves some treasure, and threw it all away' Peter had his eyes closed so he couldn't see everyone rocking their heads.

'What you're waiting for?
No What you're waiting for?
What you're waiting for?
No What you're waiting for?'

"I recognise this song" Tony says a bit confusedly to the group.

"Me too, I think I heard him singing it around the tower" Pepper says with a smile

'When I dance alone, and the Suns's bleeding down, Blame it on me!' Peter starting to feel more comfortable and confident.
'When I lose control and the veil's overused Blame it on me!'

"He is getting more confident" Natasha says with a smirk

"He has a good voice" Steve says with a smile.

'What you're waiting for?
No What you're waiting for?'

'Caught in the tide of blossom, caught in the carnival.'
'Your confidence forgotten, and I see the gypsies run'

'What you're waiting for?
No What you're waiting for?
What you're waiting for?
No What you're waiting for?'

'When I dance alone, and the Suns's bleeding down, Blame it on me!
When I lose control and the veil's overused, Blame it on me!'

"Wait when he dances alone? Can he dance?" Natasha asks and receives a nod from Pepper.

"Why didn't you not tell me! I would have love to see that!" Natasha felt offended

"Not my place to tell." Pepper says while shrugging

'What you're waiting for?
No What you're waiting for?
What you're waiting for?
No What you're waiting for?'

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