Chapter 24

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No one's POV

20 long and anxious minutes later Bruce and Helen walked through looking weak, sad and exhausted but everyone ran over to them or in Tony's case limped over, He was still sore from his suit.

"We got good news and bad news." Helen says in a shaky voice

"Good news is we were able to manage to stop the Internal bleeding before it could lead to one of his kidney's failing but the bad news is... he uhm he. Nope I can't say, I am sorry." Helen struggled to break it to them

"The bad news is... We were too slow to stop him falling into a coma... We are very sorry." Bruce said while looking down but also couldn't stop some tears falling down.

After Bruce broke the news to the team, they broke down even more, Tony pulled Pepper into his chest to comfort her while putting his head down on her head to try to stop his tears but failed, Wanda's knees gave way but Clint was there to catch her and to bring her to her feet and bring her into a fatherly hug, Steve pulled Natasha into a hug to which Natasha gave into and buried into Steve, Steve was trying to stop his tears, Betty, Bucky, Sam, and Rhodey had tears coming down even faster than before, Vision was trying his best to show his feelings while the others was trying to hide theirs.

"I am very very sorry." Helen said full of remorse

"You and Dr Banner are not responsible for this so don't put yourself down like this." Vision said trying his best to comfort her and Bruce

Wanda tried to get herself up to her feet on her own but she wasn't able to, so Clint never left her side, so they went over to Helen and Bruce

"C-Can we see h-him?" Wanda asked in a trembling voice

"Yes you all can go in but I need to warn you, it is not a good sight because he is still not breathing on his own." Bruce says as he lead them into the Medbay

They all walk in and they all are horrified by the sight of Peter being hooked up to iv, also to a ventilator, Peter hasn't got a shirt on but is covered in bandages all over his upper body to let his ribs heal, his stomach is covered in bruises, his left forearm is in a cast for a fracture, almost every body part has a few wounds and his face is swollen and covered in bruises.

"Shouldn't his super healing be working?" Tony asked concerned

"His super healing is handling on getting him out of the coma so that is why he is not healing." Bruce stated sadly

"Can he hear us?" Natasha asks to Bruce and Helen to which they both looked at each other a bit unsure.

"He should be able to, so if you want to try and speak to him it is worth a try." Helen said after a few seconds of thinking

"эй, малыш паук, я не знаю, слышишь ли ты меня, но надеюсь, что слышишь, поэтому, пожалуйста, поддержи нас" (hey baby spider i don't know if you can hear me but i hope you can, so please please pull through for us) Natasha said while holding onto Peter's right forearm while trying hard not to break down in tears but failed at the end so Steve pulled her in for a hug.

"I think we all should go to sleep it's been a long night." Tony says trying to get them all out of the room and it works to which they all left which only left Tony and Peter.

"Hey Underoos I really don't know if you can hear me but I hope you can hear me because I need you here with me, I cannot lose you my kid, I wish you would've told me who the Green Goblin is so I can kill him for hurting you, hell even laying a fingernail on you! Everyone is here for you, you've grown onto everyone so much that you have made them cry because you're in this situation and if you were here right now you would apologise! That is why I am so proud to call you my kid and I would do anything and everything to get you out of this c-c-c-coma.

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