I didn't mean it

440 7 2


I bang on the door repeatedly. No answer. I bang again. No answer.All I hear is muffled cries and then a thump. I back away from the door and charge full speed into the door. The door falls down and I scramble up to find y/n.

All I see is red. Blood everywhere. Blood is dripping from y/n's wrists.

My face becomes pale. I freeze. I want to do something but I can't. I just stand there. My eyes trace down to her hand and see a knife.

She did this to herself...

I snap out of it and rush over to her. I cradle her in my arms as I begin to cry. Eyes glossy and wet. I rock her back and forth as I start to scream.


I hear footsteps running up the stairs as I see tigris walk in the door.

"Coryo what happened..."

"I-I I don't know.. please just get a doctor"



When someone asks what I am scared of
I play it basic and say the dark

Sometimes I will say heights
Needles or even sharks

Maybe I'll say spiders
Or flying above ground

I'll say confined spaces
Or even pain in loud sounds

But I hide my reals fears
And put them on a far away shelf

Cause my biggest fear is you seeing me
The way I see myself



Heart pounding. Eyes bloodshot. Panicking.

All I can think about is y/n.

We got her into the hospital but she was not breathing. No heart beat just nothing..

I don't know what I will do without her.


Please come back to me



Wake up
Wake up
Wake up



lights. I see lights.i hear talking and doctors around the room. Shit

Snows Girl || Coriolanus Snow X Reader (Not Completed)Where stories live. Discover now