enjoy the show!

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Smash of glass.
Movement everywhere.

Coriolanus falls to the ground and I hear gunshots. The peacekeepers fire at the tribute from 12.

He falls down too.

A rush of people crowd over coriolanus. I Sprint over to the end of the cage and grab on to the bars.

I start to cry at the sight of coryo. He is on the ground and the bottle is lodged into his stomach.

Peacekeepers shove everyone out of the way and they kneel to tend to him.

They carry him over to the truck and they drive away.

It went so quick

Y/n just breath

I turn to go back and I stumble on something.

I fall to the ground and look on the ground. I freeze

The tribute from 12 has a bullet wound right in his head.

His eyes are still open. So I close them.
I feel someone grab me. They drag me towards the door and it shuts behind me.

I get put into a back of a truck and I spot the rest of the tributes. They sit me down and they close the door.

The truck starts and we drive away.



I love y/n



The truck stops and the door opens. Each peacekeeper grabs us and escorts us into a building.

We walk into a tunnel and turn styles are at the end. The peacekeeper shoves me through it and a sound echos.

"Enjoy the show!"

Snows Girl || Coriolanus Snow X Reader (Not Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu