Something smelt like burning...

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That was the first thing that Mrs Digby noticed as she blinked open heavy eyes.

I didn't take a siesta in the kitchen, did I? she worried. Ruby would never let her hear the end of it if she had. This was followed by the depressing thought: I'm getting old.

But the kitchen surely wouldn't be as dark as all this. Mrs Digby tried to rise from her crumpled (and extremely uncomfortable) position, but found her progress impeded by...

"Handcuffs?" she whispered. That was a little melodramatic, surely.

Just then, a soft chuckle had Mrs Digby's mouth snapping shut. She blinked, hoping to adjust her vision to the dark quicker. All she could make out was a cold floor, thick with dust. The dust had dispersed in the air, dispersed by her own movements no doubt, making it feel thick.

And it still smelt like burning.

"Guess I'm gonna have to rethink my escape plan," came a familiar voice from the darkness. It was raspier than usual, indicating an uncharacteristic silence for a while now. Still, it was the voice of someone who was a little put out, yes, but not without defiance. Not yet.

In other words, it was Ruby.

"Child," whispered Mrs Digby in a good imitation of her stern voice, "your mother would not be pleased with us."

"Yeah?" came Ruby's reply. "I'm not exactly thrilled either, to be honest."

Mrs Digby chose to ignore the sarcasm.

"I don't suppose you have a lockpick handy?" asked Ruby after a moment of silence. "They took mine."

They. Very dramatic, especially since Mrs Digby had a pretty good idea who 'they' were. Still, no use worrying Ruby over nothing. Tough kid, but there were only so many villains a child should know.

"This escape plan," Mrs Digby said (ignoring the lockpick comment, assuming it was a weak attempt to disguise fear with humour), "does it have a back-up?"

The awkward pause after made Mrs Digby wonder if Ruby wasn't perhaps a little bit embarrassed. She waited patiently.

"The back-up plan might be hoping that Clancy and Hitch aren't above snooping in your stuff."

Now that wasn't what Mrs Digby had expected. She couldn't help a slight laugh, in spite of the circumstances.

"Well," she said. "I don't think you'll have any problem there."

This was met with more awkward silence. Mrs Digby knew she should assure Ruby that she was in no way offended (or surprised), but first she was going to let her squirm. For just a little bit longer.

Then they could worry about finding their captors and jabbing something sharp in their eyes.

A/N: So sorry this is short and later than usual. I've been ill and really burnt out, but I should be good now. Hope this is okay!

Agent CrewOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara