I'm a completely different person now

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than who I used to be.
I used to be so dark and cold,
I couldn't see past the void
that once housed my heart.
But I was given a new breath of life
after I had stumbled into the light
and it feels so warm and inviting
that it seems too good to be true.
I've found both truth and wisdom,
I almost couldn't stand that ugly sight...
I also found anger and sadness,
love and laughter followed close behind.
Through this I have found myself
and I'm proud of everything I've done,
it doesn't matter what you think of me
because we are all "the one."
Every time you cause someone pain,
it's a reflection of the pain you feel.
We all feel it, we all know it
So what makes you think you're special?
Because you can see our inevitable end?
Because you speak out against the government
and all their horrible atrocities?
Because this life doesn't feel right,
as if you don't belong in this place?
And you wanna get out so bad,
you wanna live outside of all of this,
you wanna cut yourself out of reality,
out of the system enslaving us all.
You wanna find a way to finally be free
of the shackles known as anxiety, depression.
You want to express yourself without a constant fear
that's always weighing down your true self.
You want to stop hiding behind a facade
and evolve into something beautiful and pure.
So what's stopping us?
That invisible force that we all know is there,
that we can't fully understand
but somehow it controls our thoughts
and makes us believe we don't want to excel.
Some say they know, that they have the answers...
so why's it still there?

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