I know you don't think that you can grasp it

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but just reach out with me tonight.
I know you can grasp it, I know you can reach it,
It's as simple as that!
You just gotta ground yourself in yourself
and you will be unstoppable,
improbable that you could be this dull.
You better search within yourself!
I was once buried beneath the ground
but then the force of light drew me out,
scattering my ashes for miles,
giving brightness to a new dawn.
I rose from the Earth
and realized that this is not a fight
that can be won with just a simple thought,
I must overcome everything inside.
I awoke, reborn, anew,
seeking shelter from the bombings coming through.
The smoke rising from the ground,
from the machinery scattered abound.
I woke up to a new beginning
or I don't know, this could be the end.
The end to another beginning
and we never found out what it was.
When will this cycle of repetition
come to a close?
We're driving ourselves crazy
breathing our own air.
This system is inherently flawed,
it's jeopardizing the entire world.
I don't want to stand here any longer
idly, as you destroy everything.
Every day in life is a struggle,
I don't think I can take it anymore.
I'll let the energy around me
lift me up and take me away.
I'm overcome with such emotion,
it's taking up every part of my mind
and the onslaught will continue
until there's no feelings left.

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