Friendly Fire

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A delicate vase, a relic of elegance now shattered and covered in blood, cast fractured reflections of the brewing animosity. The spatter of crimson, a stark contrast against the pristine marble, bore silent witness to the escalating conflict, as if the very essence of the household had begun to bleed...
"What defines innocence? Is it the purity of our actions, or the absence of guilt? Or is it simply a state of being, a hopeful longing for a world that has yet to corrupt us?"

Detective Cleveland stood in the shadows at the edge of the crime scene, observing from a distance as his fellow detectives and uniformed officers swarmed in on the suspect, her sagging figure hopelessly leaving what was once called 'home'. The woman was handcuffed and being led away by the police. Standing there thinking, events unfolding in his head...

A Few Weeks Ago

Scott Cleveland gazed out the train window onto the frost-kissed streets of London, the city revealed itself in all its captivating magnificence, surpassing even his highest expectations. It dawned on him that a leisurely vacation in this enchanting hub might be warranted at a later date. Alas, his present purpose summoned his undivided attention, the cold-blooded investigation of the heinous murder of Charles Palmer.

After being stuck on the train for what seemed like eternity, the train came to a stop. He walked outside and the sunlight greeted his pupils, he turned to greet her back. The sky was still gloomy and cloudy but the ray of happiness that shone through made an overwhelming difference.

"Detective Cleveland." A man said approaching Scott, his face shows the wear and tear of years on the job, with deep lines around his eyes and mouth. There's a hint of stubble on his square jawline, and his silver eyes hold a steely, determined gaze. "I'm Matthew Dankworth, we've been expecting you" he said shaking Scott's hand then rubbing them together in an attempt to warm them. Scott pulled his scarf up closer to his face as the cold air stung his cheeks "The sooner we get to the manor the better it is, I'm freezing." Scott said, putting both hands in his pockets which by now, he was sure the blood has frozen in them. "Welcome to London, Detective."

The road leading to the Palmer manor was lined with towering trees, their branches spread wide and casting eerie shadows upon the street. As they rode in the car, the only sound they could hear was the rolling of the wheels over the cobblestones. Matthew broke the silence, handing Scott a file from his bag. "This contains all the information you need about the victim."

The file sat before him, a cryptic puzzle waiting to be unraveled. Scott's eyes narrowed as he carefully studied the details of the victim's tragic fall. Matthew's voice cut through the silence, pulling him back to reality. "I know what you're thinking," he spoke in a low, ominous tone. "But the back of his head had shards of glass ... it was more than just a fall."

The truth lingered in the air, leaving Scott with a chilling sense of unease. With a thoughtful expression, Scott's fingers clasped the file, the words on the page seemed to echo in his mind as he glanced up the file, the truth lurking beneath the surface.

"Nothing I haven't seen before." Scott's voice held a knowing edge, implicating a malevolent hand in Charles' fall. His gaze met Matthew's, the weight of realization settling in their shared silence. "Clearly, this wasn't a mere accident. Someone harbored a deep animosity to propel such a violent act," Scott mused, his eyes dancing with a blend of amusement and fascination.

"In this case, we have a puzzle to solve." Matthew declared, his gaze meeting Scott's with a shared determination. A form of unity formed between the two men, an unspoken vow to unearth the truth from the shadows. Scott's resolve deepened, a fire ignited by the challenge ahead.

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