Chapter 3: The Walls Have Ears

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The dimly lit room seemed to hold its breath as Matthew and Scott prepared to interrogate their third suspect, the maid from earlier. Despite the palpable tension, her eyes darted around the room, surprisingly at ease. "I wish we met under different circumstances, detective," she said, a hint of sadness tugging at her lips, forming a melancholic smile.

Caught off guard by her unexpected statement, Scott couldn't help but empathize with her sentiments. "I wish for the same thing," Scott replied, his voice laced with sincerity.
Taking his place in front of her, Scott could feel Matthew's watchful presence behind him, patiently observing the unfolding scene. As he prepared to delve deeper into the investigation, Scott couldn't help but notice the subtle flicker of sorrow in the maid's eyes, suggesting a potentially close connection with the deceased. Intrigued, he decided to start by exploring their relationship.
Gently, yet firmly, Scott posed the question, "How would you describe your relationship with Charles?"

Her eyes, heavy with sorrow, spoke volumes about the intricate dynamics within their connection. Her response carried a profound sense of respect and admiration for the late Mr. Charles. "I didn't exactly know Charles, I was here since the beginning, since he was a little kid, he carried himself as a true gentleman, showing kindness and compassion to everyone around him." Jacqueline continue. "I was his best friend but as he grew up, he became distant, I was no longer a friend just a worker."

Matthew's eyes widened, captivated by the depth of her answer. It was apparent that there was more to their connection than mere formalities. The untangled threads of this intricate tapestry began to unravel, revealing a web of emotions and secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface.

As the shadows danced in the room, the investigation gained momentum. The air crackled with a fusion of curiosity, determination, and the quest for truth. Each question, each response, brought them closer to unraveling the enigmatic puzzle that surrounded them. Little did they know, this seemingly ordinary maid held the key to unraveling a web of intrigue that extended far beyond their expectations.

“as much as a gentleman he was, I can't exactly say he was gentle with hsi wife.” Scott's eyes were instantly drawn to jacqueline's, widening with shock as he absorbed her words. Barbara had portrayed an image of love and admiration for her husband, leaving Scott dumbfounded by her revelation. "How do you know this, Jacqueline?"

Her voice trembled with nervousness, mirroring the apprehension in her movements as her fingers toyed with the pristine white apron she wore.

"Isn't this private information?" Scott asked.  jacqueline's gaze danced aimlessly around the room, avoiding contact with Scott.

In an attempt to soothe her trembling hands and alleviate some of her anxiety, Scott gently handed her a glass of water. "Thank you," she murmured, her voice laced with gratitude as she reached for the glass, her trembling grip threatening to topple it.

"Please, elaborate," Scott urged, his curiosity now fully piqued by the puzzle unraveling before him. Her eyes seemed to drift away, lost in memories of the night she spoke of.

"On the same night Mr. Palmer was tragically killed, he and Mrs. Barbara had a heated argument," she began, her voice distant. "I overheard their voices while I was cleaning Mr. Carter's bedroom. Charles mentioned divorce, but Barbara vehemently refused... and then... I don't know what happened next." So many questions cascaded through Scott's mind, yet he patiently waited for her to conclude her account.

"As soon as I heard Barbara scream, I hurried outside, only to find her standing there, flanked by the Palmer twins.” Jacqueline said, eyes lost in the moment perhaps memory traveling her back to that eventful day. "and Mrs. Morgan”

Scott's mind swirled with shock and confusion as the weight of Jacqueline's words settled upon him. Could it be possible that she was telling the truth? Could one of them have been capable of ending Charles' life? "Jacqueline," Scott began, grappling with the perplexity of the situation, "how is it that you were able to hear their argument from another room?"

A mischievous gleam danced in Jacqueline's eyes as she smirked knowingly. "Oh, detective, if only you knew the tales and secrets these walls have absorbed throughout the years," she replied, her voice holding an air of mystery. "You see, everything that transpires between Charles and Barbara, every whispered conversation, every hidden emotion—they're not truly secrets at all. The walls, detective. The walls have ears."

Her words hung in the air, creating an enigmatic atmosphere that further heightened both Matthew and Scott's bewilderment. The notion that the very structure around them could hold such intimate knowledge left Scott both astounded and unnerved. Secret conversations, heated arguments, forbidden desires—the walls guarded them all, silently witnessing the intricacies of Charles and Barbara's tumultuous relationship. It was as though the very essence of their lives had become intertwined with the physical space they inhabited.

As Scott pondered Jacqueline's revelation, his mind raced with questions. How many secrets had these walls discreetly absorbed over time? What stories of love, betrayal, and despair had they silently witnessed? And most importantly, what secrets might they hold that could unravel the mystery behind Charles' untimely demise?

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