Chapter 18: Carter Lee Palmer

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Scott entered the dimly lit kitchen and flicked on the lights, only for Daniel to hastily switch them back off. "I need your discretion on this matter," Daniel began in hushed tones. "It's not safe here." Adjacent to Daniel, his suitcase lay on the floor.

"You're leaving?" Scott inquired.

"More like fleeing. I can't risk suffering the same fate as Jacqueline," Daniel explained.

A heavy pause ensued as the gravity of the situation struck Scott, realizing that the impending departure of Daniel would significantly impact the trajectory of the investigation. “what are you saying?”

“I'm saying that I should have told you this earlier, Jacqueline should've but she was scared, If only she had known... ”

“son speak up I'm losing my temper here.”

"That night, Jacqueline confided in me that she overheard Mr. Charles and his wife arguing, as per their usual routine, with the twins present," Daniel recounted.

"Spying on them?" Scott inquired.

Daniel nodded. "It wasn't the first time. Jacqueline had witnessed similar altercations before. Cooper and his wife, Carter was aware of Cooper's affair. He threatened to expose him to his wife unless he paid up. Meanwhile, Mrs. Rose was already aware of her husband's infidelity."

"I fail to see where this is leading," Scott interjected impatiently.

"I'm suggesting that no one has a greater interest in witnessing Charles' downfall than Carter. The Palmer twins don't have a penny, with Joseph out of the picture, what's to stop him from seizing everything? And who's to say Barbara will even survive?" Daniel explained, his words gaining momentum.

Scott's eyes widened in response to Daniel's assumption. "Whoa, Do you comprehend the gravity of what you're suggesting? Do you have any proof?"

"Sir, Jacqueline knew something. She mentioned seeing the Palmer twins, along with Mrs. Barbara and her friend Morgan, at the scene. Who else has the motives to eliminate Charles?" Daniel pressed.

"Well, it looks like Carter might have more than just a motive," Scott mused, his mind spinning with the implications of Daniel's revelation. “Carter accused Joseph of the murder only for Joseph to end his life, Joseph did accuse Carter of the murder in his suicide note.”

Daniel nodded gravely. "It's not just the motive; Jacqueline specifically mentioned seeing Carter at the scene that night, moments before she was-"

Scott interrupted, his eyes widening in shock. "Wait a minute. That means Carter was there when Jacqueline... That changes everything."

"Exactly, sir," Daniel affirmed. "It's beginning to piece together now. Carter not only had the motive, but he was present at the scene of the crime, and let's be honest what is Mrs. Barbara capable of doing in this situation? She can barely hold herself together."

Scott nodded, realization dawning on him."with Barbara incapacitated, he could have seen this as the perfect opportunity to eliminate Charles and seize control."

"Indeed," Daniel agreed. "All the pieces seem to fit. It's imperative that we act on this information swiftly."

As the implications of Carter's involvement settled in, the weight of the situation hung heavily in the air. It was becoming increasingly clear that the truth behind Charles and Jacqueline's untimely demise was intricately tied to the sinister web of deceit spun by Carter. Scott pulled out the threatening message he received a few days ago “do you think you know who wrote this message for me?”

“No idea sir”

“How come you never said anything Daniel? Well, until now…” Scott inquired.

“I have my own life to worry about, sir.”

Carter hurried down the stairs, a sense of urgency gripping him as he called out for his sister, Mary. The silence that greeted him only amplified his growing concern.

"Mary? Where is everybody?! " he called out, his voice tinged with worry. He scanned the living room, searching for any sign of his sister, but she was nowhere to be found.

Meanwhile, Scott made his way from the kitchen at the noise, Cooper and Rose where gathered with Carter along with Morgan who tried to stay out of sight. “what's going on?” Scott asked.

“Mary, have you seen here?” Carter explained that he was looking for his sister, she's nowhere to be found “she was with me minutes ago and now I can't find here anywhere”

The family separated in the search of her, meanwhile, Scott made his way to Mary's bedroom, the sense of foreboding growing with each step. As he entered the room, he noticed the telltale signs of a hasty departure.

Mary's belongings were nowhere to be seen, her room strangely devoid of her personal effects. Her books were missing from the shelf, clothing and belongings no longer adorning the room. It was clear that Mary had left, or worse, been forced to leave.

Scott's mind raced as he pieced together the implications of Mary's sudden disappearance. He knew that they were running out of time to unravel the tangled web of deceit that had ensnared the household. With Mary's absence, a significant piece of the puzzle had gone missing, and he was determined to find her and uncover the truth.

Carter entered the room, his expression fraught with worry as he took in the scene before him. "Scott, have you found her?" he asked urgently, his eyes scanning the room for any trace of his sister.

Scott turned to face Carter, his expression grave. "She's not here, Carter. It seems like she's run away. We need to find her before it's too late," Scott said, the urgency in his voice mirroring the gravity of the situation.

Carter's jaw tightened as he absorbed the news, his mind racing with the possible implications of Mary's disappearance. "that bitch! She left me all here by myself!”

“now that we're here, alone, finally we have some time to talk properly, unless you decide to pull the same card with Charles and Jacqueline on me.” Scott said closing the door behind them.

Carter's facade of calmness faltered, and his eyes darted to the side, a fleeting expression of panic clouding his features. "I don't know what you're talking about. I had nothing to do with Jacqueline's... tragedy, or Charles" he insisted, his voice wavering slightly. "it was Joseph"

"no Carter, YOU said it was Joseph. You accused him of the murder of them both only for him to take his life” Scott began, his tone firm and resolute "besides, Daniel has brought some troubling information to light,"

Carter's composure cracked further, and an uncharacteristic desperation colored his words. "You can't seriously believe I would do something like that. I may have had my disagreements with Charles, but I am not a murderer," he protested, his voice teetering on the edge of panic. "you believe a butler's word over mine?!"

"but you were after his money" Scott pointed out.

"Ahh I see how this is." Carter interrupted Scott "let me guess, he told you I Blackmailed cooper for money or I'll expose his affair, he told you that I talked my sister into doing things, and of course he told you I was there everytime Barbara and Charles had a fight..."

"you don't have a penny and with both brothers out of the picture it's the perfect opportunity to seize control."

"Close but not quite correct" Carter explained "but it is true, both brothers are gone now. Charles' death have left Barbara incapacitated, what would she do with the money? She'll give it all to me because I was by her side all the time, I protected her, she owes me this." Carter continued "but I mean, come on, what's your proof? I didn't touch Charles, I was nowhere near him"

"And Jacqueline? You spared her no mercy"

"She was an obstacle in my way, just like you” Carter, blinded by anger and hatred, launches towards Scott attacking him.

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