Chapter 19: Lift The Curtains

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As Carter launched himself at Scott, a frenzied desperation radiated from his every. Before he could react, Scott found himself propelled forward, crashing into the ground, he struggled to regain his balance. In front of him stood Carter, with a menacing smirk.

"You think you can come here and accuse me, huh? You think you're so high and mighty with your badge and your interrogations?" Carter snarled, his voice laced with venom. His fists were clenched and trembling with fury.

Scott's eyes narrowed. "You were the one with the most to gain from Charles' death," he retorted, casting a piercing gaze at the seething man before him.

The two men were locked in a fierce struggle, their combined rage serving as a volatile catalyst. They grappled and exchanged blows, each fueled by their own convictions and the unyielding force of their desperation.

The sudden eruption of violence sent shockwaves through the room, the air crackling with tension as Cooper, Rose, and Morgan rushed in, their urgent footsteps marking their arrival. Together, they managed to overpower Carter, pulling him away from Scott and restraining him.

"Stop this madness, Carter!" Cooper's voice thundered across the tumultuous scene, his eyes ablaze with concern.

Morgan and Rose guided Scott to his feet, ensuring he was unharmed as the tumultuous events continued to unravel. their faces etched with a mixture of fear and desperation. The group struggled to bring an end to the altercation, but Carter, his teeth bared in a defiant snarl, was obstinate in his resistance.

"You're all just as delusional as this detective here!" Carter spat, his words laced with seething spite. "I won't stand here and be accused of something I didn't do. You can't prove a damn thing, Scott!"

Scott, though bruised and battered, stood his ground, his resolve unyielding. "The evidence will speak for itself, Carter," he retorted, his voice unwavering. "You can't evade the truth forever."

Cooper kept a firm grip on Carter, the venomous tension still hung thick in the air. Carter's verbal attacks continued, each barb sharper and more cutting than the last, as the glaring animosity between him and Scott intensified.

"This isn't over, detective. You think you have the upper hand, but you're just a cocky fool chasing shadows," Carter sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

"Stop! What is happening here?" Barbara's voice quaked with emotion as she descended the stairs, her eyes widening in horror at the chaotic scene unfolding before her.

Cooper kept a firm hold on Carter, wary of any further outbursts, as the group braced themselves for the revelations that were about to surface.

The air crackled with tension as Barbara stepped into the chaotic scene. Her eyes wide with fear and desperation, seemed to materialize out of thin air, a beacon of unexpected disruption amidst the escalating conflict.

Carter, his aggression like a storm ready to break, zeroed in on Barbara with predatory intensity. His facial features contorted into a malicious sneer as he advanced toward her, his presence exuding a dangerous air of power and control.

"Look who decided to join the party," Carter spat, his voice dripping with contempt. "You think you can just waltz in here and disrupt everything, don't you? Well, let me tell you, little lady, you've got another thing coming."

Barbara recoiled under Carter's piercing gaze, her breaths coming in shallow, panicked gasps. Her eyes flitted around the room, seeking an escape that remained tantalizingly out of reach. She felt the weight of Carter's bullying presence bearing down on her with suffocating intensity, and she knew that the fragile web of secrets and lies she had woven was about to come crumbling down.

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